Posts Tagged ‘dystopian world’


“Would we be so enamored with dystopian fiction if we lived in a culture where violent death was a major concern? It wouldn’t be escapism.”~Maggie Stiefvater

Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the nursery in Hollywood, California…… something so cruel, so disturbing, so eye-rolling and mind-numbing happens.

Kim Kardashian gives birth to Kanye West’s daughter.

And they named the child:


Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot, over???????

In the spirit of one of the dumbest actions known to mankind, thinking that Blue Ivy and Apple were terrible names for a baby. And I won’t go through the history of bad decision making when it comes to naming a child. But what blows me away is that neither one of these bozos considered the feelings of the child that will ultimately have to deal with the ass-beatings, the teasings, and mockings for having to bear the name “North West”… and yeah I know, the parents are intending on nicknaming the child “Nori” but that doesn’t help that your child’s name is directional and not a name. At all.

Actually NAMING the child Nori or even Noreen would produce less pressure and social negativity as the child grows older. And to think that the entire Kardashian family was pissed off that the child was not named with a K.

Y’all just need to sit down!!!!

How in the world did this dystopia happen? How did these two get together? And WHY were they allowed to procreate? Do we honestly think that parenting is going to be their best features in their young, young, young lives? It just makes me want to fundraising to collect as much money as I can to send to them and have them SHIPPED AWAY to an isolated island where we don’t have to hear from them at all any more and the rest of us no longer have to be polluted.

But that’s just me.

Poor child.