Posts Tagged ‘idiot’

74990904 - delivery man with cap and cardboard in hands

It’s very HOT in the state of Texas right now. Record temperatures are being broken almost daily. And there’s no relief in sight for well over the coming week.

For me to get anything, I have been staying inside and using online delivery services for what I need.

I created a small order for groceries. I found this second online delivery service that is far better than the first. Maybe one day I will write a post about it and show you the comparison. But that’s not important right now.

Living in a gated property, instructions were given on how to reach my front door along with the delivery and waited for the selected time in which it was to arrive.

Then the telephone rings. The driver is outside one of the many gates that stretch along the property and wants to be let in.

I verbally repeated the instructions to this woman. And the following responses from her were less than professional or nice.

Over and over again she kept telling me which numbered apartment she was parked in front of. But couldn’t find a key pad to enter a gate code to get on the inside.

A second and third time of repeating the instructions to her, she shouted back “Can’t you just let me inside?? I see a door. Just come open the door.”

I told her she was at the wrong gate and she needed to drive a little more to get to the correct gate. And more argument came from her as she screamed “Just come get me and open this door. I see a goddamned door.”

The first thing that came to mind was to tell her that I was not dressed to come outside.

She then began to cry and whimper about it. She said that if I was not going to come outside and open the door that she was looking at that she would not know how to get my delivery to me. She was obviously starting to give up and was probably getting ready to leave.

I told her that I was on the way.

I had a feeling inside of me that told me that if I actually went around to the other side of the building and opened the door that she kept talking about that she was going to find a person in a wheelchair attempting to make their way down the path and she was going to instantly regret it.

Needless to say, that I hung up on her as she was in the middle of another whining fit.

So out into the horrible heat I went. Today with another record breaking temperature today of 103°F/39°C.

As I rounded the building and she turned and saw me…. the look on her face was PRICELESS. Maybe even Internet worthy.

I did not think of it until now, but I should have went up to the door inside of the gate and told her that the door was locked and I didn’t have the key, or that the door was welded shut to keep people off the property who don’t belong here.

So I opened the door and she immediately went into this wave of apologies and excuses and then back to apologies. She claimed she saw no other gate. And I physically pointed it out to her. She still said she could not see it. So I gave very descriptive terms to her along the lengthy gate on where to find where she should have gone in the first place.

The bags were heavy and she did offer to carry them for me to my home. But I did not want her inside of my home.

I led her to the front door. And as we went along the path I explained to her how roads work and how much easier and more convenient it would have been for her if she would have just followed the instructions that I had provided for her already several times.

She walked in front of me and then I told her which apartment to walk towards. She got to the door and then she proceeded to open it. That is until I told her NOT to open the door and just leave the bags next to the door on the patio area.

Again she gave me another priceless look of disbelief. I really think she’s got a problem with following instructions. Perhaps she’s one of the many kinds of people that don’t like being told what to do. And I would think that if that was the case, she shouldn’t be working as a delivery driver.

I understand that it is hot outside. And I also could believe the possibility that she was running behind on her deliveries.

And I also understand that trying to find where I live can be very confusing. My family had plenty problems of their own when they first tried to visit me here. However the screaming, the whining, and the not following instructions is deplorable.

Just another day in the big hot sweltering city of Austin in the summertime, I guess.

Freakin’ idiot.


“As usual, there is a great woman behind every idiot.”  ~ John Lennon
Well now, look what we have here!? Looks like I haven’t given out the last of these awards.
Hang on because this one is very frustrating.
A woman in Alabama got herself caught dealing with donation fraud.
She was able to collect over $264,000 in donations and checks when she lied to family and friends about having terminal cancer and went to GoFundMe to share her “story” about wanting to take a trip to Disney.
It is really sad and disgusting at the same time that she did this. Many people use GoFundMe in their desperate hour of need. I used it when my wheelchair broke and I was unable to even get out of my home. And now, I may have to use it again because the wheelchair that I was able to buy due to the overwhelming generosity of over 100 people has been broken down and fixed three times already! And I have exhausted all the funds that I had received by those kind and generous people in order to do it. I did the best that I could.
I’ve been in contact with a medical supply company and surprisingly they were able to work with me to measure me and find out just exactly what I am needing and it is not going to cost as much as I thought it was going to. But the only way that I am going to be able to get it is through crowdfunding. And hope that it will take longer than seven months to break.

Now with this turd waffle getting HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of dollars and using it to fuel a drug addiction, it makes it so much harder for people to be just as generous as they were once before. I certainly do not need $264,000 but with that kind of money I would never have to worry about buying another wheelchair again for the rest of my natural life!!

It is stories & people like these that make others less generous.


“I think we are at the dawn of a new era in commercial space exploration.”~ Elon Musk

Finally, this day has come.

But why did it take so long?

This morning, I rolled on through to the community room to have coffee and there was a sign displayed that today, there will be NO donuts or fruit.

I laughed to myself when I read it. To be honest, in the past four Fridays, there’s been donuts and fruit only TWICE.

I left that stupid game more than a year ago. I was tired of the violence. Tired of the greed. Tired of it all.

After I got my cup of coffee and was starting to turn into a decent human being, there was some chatter among the other residents in the room about donuts and fruit.

Well… depending on your bend, it is sad or it is a day at last arrived.

Residents were discussing the fact that there will be NO MORE DONUTS OR FRUIT. Period. Done. End of story. I tell you, if I could have done a happy dance, I would have.

If you’ve been with me for the longest time, you’ve read the previous posts about the avarice and the insanity of donuts and the residents that consume them like they are going out of style.

And even though I am glad that the fighting will come to an end, there will be more fighting. For those who want them, they will argue and fight about the decision to get rid of them, and their disapproval. So basically they will take one fight and replace it with another. That’s just how it works here.

Management was not available for comment. But I did go to the social services coordinator and congratulated her on the “smart decision” and told her that now all she had to do was get rid of the Food Pantry distribution and the BINGO every Tuesday afternoon, and this place will turn into nothing but a boring place of business where people will remain in their homes for the rest of their lives and never come out again or for those who will get out, they will leave the property for their social needs.


“Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress; but I repeat myself.”~ Mark Twain

I didn’t know whether or not to put this for April when the idiot was put into the spotlight or when the idiot struck, which I heard about in July. I went for the response and reply. If I am wrong, forgive me. I just was hoping to have a summer free of this award. But we can’t and so here we go.

Andrew Robert Rector is suing ESPN and Major League Baseball for ten million dollars.


WHY? Because he fell asleep during a Yankees baseball game in the fourth inning and cameras caught him in the act. And the commentators had a few words to say about it.

But you see, nobody did anything to him. Even the fan next to him was too busy eating ball park food to have disturbed or bothered Rector. And so what Rector is suing for is vituperative utterances.

Basically in lay men’s terms he is suing for ten million dollars for abusive comments that were made on the air. And then it also goes into comments that were added over the Internet via some sports website because he said that people were making fun of him.

Here’s the video that was promptly posted to YouTube. Some of the comments here even are about the same caliber and others (like myself) think that this lawsuit is stupid and frivolous.

See if you can find anything abusive towards the sleeping man by these sports commentators. The only thing that they did do that was out of the ordinary was continue to talk about him sleeping and how long could he sleep while NOT commentating on the game. But is that an offense towards Rector? Is that reason good enough to sue for millions and millions of dollars??

This man should have realized that by leaving the comfort of his own home and going to a professional baseball game that there was a distinct possibility of his image being put on television, whether intentionally or accidentally (such as passing by in the background or whatever.)

He should have realized that after he woke up that he might have been filmed or caught and captured on camera. If you don’t want these humiliating moments to happen— DO NOT FALL ASLEEP IN PUBLIC. Period.

Yes I know… its humiliating. Its actually happened to me too. I was on the late night news for being asleep as a child at a high school basketball game that my elder brother was playing in. It was the championship game and so there was a camera crew, and I dozed off until the next time the buzzer rang out. But it was too late. It was filmed and then displayed at the next airing of the local news.

Rector suing for ten million dollars is ridiculous. Greedy guy indeed. He’s not suffering anything but comments on YouTube that he would do so much better by ignoring them. Including this blog post. But this blog post serves as a reminder that we all are human and do stupid and ridiculous things. Its just that some of it is actually avoidable… but some members of the human race do it any way. And that’s when I come in to hand them their award.

Congratulations, Andrew Robert Rector.

Ukraine Barbie Doll

Valeria Lukyanova, from the Ukraine- probably the only photograph I find tolerable.

“If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?”~ Steven Wright

Valeria Lukyanova, also known as “The Human Barbie” is back in the news today.

I’m tellin’ ya! She was trending hotter than sex tape by some random 50+ year old, soon to be washed up Hollywood actor.

She hit the scene a couple of years ago because of her looks like a Barbie doll.

But she claims it wasn’t her intention to look like the popular toy. And yet there she still is.

She was interviewed and said that she got the idea when she met the “Living Ken doll” some time ago.

Really? That’s when you decided to do this?? kenandbarbie

Valeria also goes on to say in other interviews that as far as plastic surgery is concerned is that she doesn’t deny going under the knife. She admits to getting larger breasts “because she wanted to be perfect.”

Umm…. Dambreaker calls BS and then strike two.

Personally, I’m not buying that. But I’m not her physician or her plastic surgeon.

When she first came out and her popularity soared there were tons of groups of people that were freaked out by Valeria and her decision to become the living doll.

Now today, she trends.

Valeria now has come out into the public that she is on a rather unique and special diet, if you will.

Valeria, the human Barbie, will now exist only on light and air.

She will not consume any food and probably not water.

STRIKE THREE. And we have your fun-loving Dambreaker slamming his face into the wall.

But let me back up and give you the down and the low on what we’re TRULY dealing with:  barbie73

Valeria Lukyanova, who was born in 1985 and has citizenship in the Ukraine.

Height: 5’8″ (1.70 m) Weight: 42 kg (less than 95 lbs.)

And that all important measurements of an 18 inch (45 centimeters) waist… 34-18-34. 

She is in fact married. So men who have been drooling over her for years: The dream of you giving it to a living Barbie doll is over. 

So then on the 28th of February 2014, Valeria came into the spotlight by stating that her new diet of only light and air was prompting trends and going viral.

She’s also claiming that she is an alien from outer space and can talk and see other space identities and aliens from other worlds and planets.

You know what???? That’s the hungry feeling screwing with your mind because your body needs nutrition.

Breatharianism is a new age practice which alleges the ability to live without food. Breatharians claim that food and possibly water are not necessary, and that humans can be sustained solely by prana (the vital life force in Hinduism), or, according to some, by the energy in sunlight (according to Ayurveda, sunlight is one of the main sources idiotof prana). The terms breatharianism or inedia may also refer to this philosophy practiced as a lifestyle in place of the usual diet.

Breatharianism is a lethal pseudoscience, and several adherents of these practices have died from starvation.

The horrible thing about it is that it has been documented of how people adopt this practice and then wind up dead from starvation…. including a pregnant mother.

So good ole Ukrainian Barbie looks like she’s on the path to death pretty soon. Unless she snaps out of it. And walks away from the mother ship.

No wonder why Russia voted to allow troops to go into the Ukraine. They don’t wanna attack anyone in the Ukraine, they just wanna go and save Barbie.  Let’s keep our fingers crossed.


“There’s a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot.”~ Steven Wright

More tales from the moron block coming at you this evening.

About this time in 2012,  Mötley Crüe was playing a show in New Mexico.

Nobody is for certain just what happened but a fan apparently got on the nerves of lead singer, Vince Neil.

So much was he disturbed by this fan that he broke away from what he apparently calls “a performance” and cussed out the fan, telling him to leave. After that Vince Neil took a swing at the fan, and failed miserably to connect. The microphone suffered some feedback which probably hurt the ears of many nearby but Vince Neil was there looking foolish for swinging at him.

And then he continued on with his “performance” of “Kickstart My Heart.” I use that term ever so slightly because Vince Neil, when he is performing live– hardly sings any of his tunes any more. Instead of its more of a melodic and monotonous live recital. And personally I think that rips off the fans.

Okay I know that I am pretty late on this one as this happened a year ago. But Vince…. c’mon. What is going on?!? Tell us what your problem is…. we’re here for you.

You just didn’t think too clearly when you decided to take a punch at the guy. At least that’s what it appears like.

Had you connected your punch, you would have gone to jail for the night. And then you would have been in jeopardy of losing a large portion of the $50 million that you are supposedly worth.

You would have been owned.

You are also in your 50’s… what did you expect was going to happen? Why take the risk of breaking a finger or throwing out your hip?????


So thankfully Vince Neil didn’t punch out any fan. But fans who were there to eyewitness it, were very quick to upload the incident on YouTube and other networking sites.

Geez… this is a year late, but this one is for you!!!!!


“Would we be so enamored with dystopian fiction if we lived in a culture where violent death was a major concern? It wouldn’t be escapism.”~Maggie Stiefvater

Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the nursery in Hollywood, California…… something so cruel, so disturbing, so eye-rolling and mind-numbing happens.

Kim Kardashian gives birth to Kanye West’s daughter.

And they named the child:


Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot, over???????

In the spirit of one of the dumbest actions known to mankind, thinking that Blue Ivy and Apple were terrible names for a baby. And I won’t go through the history of bad decision making when it comes to naming a child. But what blows me away is that neither one of these bozos considered the feelings of the child that will ultimately have to deal with the ass-beatings, the teasings, and mockings for having to bear the name “North West”… and yeah I know, the parents are intending on nicknaming the child “Nori” but that doesn’t help that your child’s name is directional and not a name. At all.

Actually NAMING the child Nori or even Noreen would produce less pressure and social negativity as the child grows older. And to think that the entire Kardashian family was pissed off that the child was not named with a K.

Y’all just need to sit down!!!!

How in the world did this dystopia happen? How did these two get together? And WHY were they allowed to procreate? Do we honestly think that parenting is going to be their best features in their young, young, young lives? It just makes me want to fundraising to collect as much money as I can to send to them and have them SHIPPED AWAY to an isolated island where we don’t have to hear from them at all any more and the rest of us no longer have to be polluted.

But that’s just me.

Poor child.




“Let’s just say Mason is the best birth control ever! I’m definitely happy to wait a while.”~ Kim Kardashian

I didn’t find out about this until the past hour or so. When I did find out it wasn’t yet 2013 in Los Angeles, California.

Kanye West and Kim Kardashian are now expecting a child. We have a winner, Kim Kardashian picks up yet another “honor” of this award.

Heaven help us!!

Just when we all thought that we had survived the entire Snooki baby situation, now we have yet another Kardashian pregnant.

Although I must admit that I actually expected this to be in the news a very long time ago. I really did, considering who we are talking about.

I believe now that the world is going to be wrapping their greedy little faces around this story.

It just really blows me away because now, this child is going to bring about so many levels of greed and worthless merchandise, such as baby clothes with a certain name on the brand that nobody on planet Earth will be able to afford.

It is what it is though. I just was personally shocked that I had to learn about it as I was wanting to help my colleagues on the West Coast ring in 2013. What a curve ball it was!!  kimk

We’ll see what will happen for sure in the coming months. Even though WE ALL KNOW what that will be!!

So apparently her favorite birth control (whatever that quote came from) either Kim stopped using or it became defective. Or that she was done waiting. And I suppose kudos are in order because Kanye was “allowed to finish.”

I will say that I hope that all of you enjoyed celebrating the bringing in of the new year and that all of you are safe and having fun. We have a new year upon us. Let’s all join together and hope that it is even better and brighter than 2012.




“I may be dumb, but I’m not stupid. “~Terry Bradshaw

When I heard about this story being pulled off by a “teenager” I immediately was giving the benefit of the doubt. But when I heard that Hannah Sabata is 19 year old from Nebraska, I knew right away that this award would be given.

If by now you still haven’t heard about this story. Hannah did one of the dumbest things ever. And then she went on to do even more dumb things which ultimately led to her arrest by local police.

Hannah robbed a local bank. She scored over $6,000 in cash. Then she decided to share her store about her score. But not only did she rob a bank, but she stole a car, and was in possession of about an ounce of drugs. And something to use it with. All of which, she recorded a video and then solidified her spot with the award by posting the video on YouTube.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, over??? hannah2

So it was no shock to me when I kept listening to this girl’s story that she was eventually busted and then arrested. What kills me is the fact that she was led out of the house in handcuffs and smiling the entire way. A news crew was filming and even at one point it looks as if she tries to bolt away from custody of the officer for a getaway. But she didn’t get as far as the lengths of her arms.

She’s obviously done this kind of crap for attention. Well now, she’s got it because now she’s in jail.

I wonder what the heck has been missing from her life that she decided to start to steal stuff- cars, money, drugs, etc.

Nonetheless, congratulations!!!


“Acting is the perfect idiot’s profession.”~ Katharine Hepburn

Subscribers and friends; Ladies and gentlemen: The Idiot Award is back!!

However we have a tie!

This month’s winners: Lindsay Lohan & Playboy magazine.

It was reported today that the 25 year-old actress was approached by Playboy magazine to do a shoot for their publication. Playboy: Seriously, what the heck are you thinking?!?

Playboy offered the actress $750,000 for the one time deal but Lindsay Lohan wanted an even one million dollars. To which Playboy had denied, yet later on agreed to a sum of higher than $750,000 but not quite the million that Lindsay Lohan was wanting. Whatever it was decided on is in between those two figures.

I honestly have no idea what either camp was thinking when this proposal came to light. I’m not sure what exactly Playboy could have wanted from this tragedy of human waste. Although it would appear that avarice would’ve been the main force behind Lindsay Lohan’s decision to do this. But that is mere personal speculation, so I’ll move on.

Even though back in 2005, she was quoted to say that she would never do any work in her films that would require her to be naked. So I don’t know what the difference is now.

Lindsay Lohan had done many films in her acting career. Films like the re-make of “The Parent Trap”, “Mean Girls”, and “Freaky Friday”. It had seemed as if Lindsay Lohan was becoming a bright and shining star for the Disney Corporation. Yet in 2007, her personal issues would become public knowledge and then the slippery slope downwards would begin for her. And then of course all the drama and bullshit from the entire Lohan family would be spilled into our faces, like we even cared about it in the first place.

The details are murky at best at this point, and it leaves the world to sit and wonder about what this is going to turn out like.  But then again, she hasn’t really left much for the imagination as she has been photographed countless times exiting vehicles without any underwear. And other “priceless gems” where she is actually topless.

The entire WORLD has already seen what Lindsay Lohan “has to offer”. And therefore, this whole idea is absolutely ridiculous!

She’s been in so much trouble with the law as of lately that it makes me personally wonder how this could help make her public image a lot better. What kind of a stunt is she and her family trying to pull over on us to help bring her back into the loving fold that she had so personally chosen to abandon.

I think that Lindsay Lohan could have been a tremendous actress and very successful. She also could have been one of the most attractive females in Hollywood in recent years. To think or to say that she could have been the most sought after actress in such a long time, only to see that she threw it all away by being charged with numerous DUI’s. Not to mention having failed the terms of her probation, which was also something that she chose to do.

Failure to do so caught her in deeper trouble with the courts. And the whole media blitz on her for the past several years, caused a lot of pain for her personal fans.

So when I saw her in handcuffs a few days back, in that deplorable dress and make-up, I cheered. I am STILL tired of Hollywood actors/actresses breaking the law and getting away with just a slap on the toe, much less the wrist.

Her partying life style which has claimed so many in Hollywood did not show any prejudice towards Lindsay Lohan. Yet- she was the one that made the choices she did in her life. And now she’s trying to work off her community service hours in a morgue with menial tasks like trash removal and cleaning the bathrooms.

So when I heard about this deal by Playboy, I very much literally and physically became sick. I threw up so bad over a situation that isn’t even my business. And I totally regretted learning about it in the first place. The media still SUCKS!

Therefore, congratulations to the winner(s) of this award.

My own heartfelt reactions and thoughts are actually mirrored by the ones that were posted on YouTube today by Michael Buckley from the WHATTHEBUCKSHOW. I’ll leave you with that link so that you may see and hear his thoughts and reactions. It it as the very beginning of the video and lasts several minutes before he goes on with other Hollywood type news. I also would agree on his opinion about Dina, Lindsay’s less than admirable mother.