Archive for March, 2015

Philippines Gunman Photographed

“People fear death even more than pain. It’s strange that they fear death. Life hurts a lot more than death. At the point of death, the pain is over. Yeah, I guess it is a friend.”~ Jim Morrison

This is the craziest thing I have ever heard of.

Reynaldo Dagsa was a Filipino politician and a corporal for the Philippine Army Reserve Command.

But this is a odd death post. He died on New Year’s Day 2011 while celebrating with his family.

And what makes it so odd is that it was an assassination by a person claiming the act to be in retribution for being shot in the head by persons associated with Reynaldo Dagsa during a shootout months earlier.

The assassination was captured in a photograph taken by Reynaldo Dagsa himself. maxresdefault

He gathered his family together for a family portrait, not being aware that his killer was looming just feet behind them, and the co-conspirator not far away either.

When Reynaldo Dagsa took the photograph, the flash went off…. so did the gun of the assassination, which struck Dagsa in the head.

The photograph was surrendered to the local police and the shooter was identified as Arnel Buenaflor. He was arrested and taken into police custody two days later.




Closer view of the assassin from the actual photograph.




“There are no constraints on the human mind, no walls around the human spirit, no barriers to our progress except those we ourselves erect.”~ President Ronald Reagan

Recently I saw a post for Lone Star Metal magazine. They were looking for good writers. And although I really wanted to wave my hand in the air and say something, I had doubt in myself as to whether or not I was good ENOUGH for such and adventure.

Then today I received word from Lone Star Metal magazine asking if I wanted to be a review writer for them.

I still did not know if I was good enough and so I sent them the last CD review, which was for One-Eyed Doll “Witches” and after letting them decide, before I knew it….. I realized that I am now a contributing author to the website.

All I have to do is when I write a CD or an album review, is to send it to LSM, and they will have it published.

Wow!!! guitar

So yeah, I’m pretty excited about it all. I gave LSM all the “reviews” that I could find, and they already posted it on their website with a link back to here on this blog.

Apparently I AM good enough for this!! And other people believe in me too.

I’m looking forward to this next part of the journey. Although I feel as if I need to move it to another corner of the cyber world and allow for the reviews to have its own place. So if WordPress will allow, I will go for yet ANOTHER blog and it will remain strictly for album reviews.

Once I have it all set up and ready to go, I’ll mention it here. Those of you who wish to follow me there, are more than welcome. If you also know of a band or group that needs some exposure….. I’m your guy now. Let me know!!!

I’m excited. SOOOOO excited!!!!

Thank you dear readers.


Kimberly Freeman- Guitar, Banjo, Lead Vocals
Jason “Junior” Rufus Sewell- Drums, Bass, Synths, Organ, Mandolin Backing Vocals, “Ember” sermon

If you have recently read in a previous blog post, the album “Witches” by One-Eyed Doll was released on the 24th of March. One-Eyed Doll also currently supporting the album with a cross-country tour through May 2015.

I had the opportunity to catch them at the Heart of Texas Rockfest 2015 during the SXSW Music Festival as they swept through the state. I was fortunate enough to land my hands on the album days before the official release. So to bring home a physical copy of the album was quite the treat. And I’ve been deeply involved with it for the last week and more.

Most recently I took the album with me at an excursion to the grocery store. Plugged into my ears, I listened intently as I browsed up and down the aisles. Being there long enough for me to go through the album in its entirety, twice. Needless to say, it is the only thing I’ve listened to since then.

The complexity of the album grows with each track through the conceptual idea of telling the story of the Salem Witchcraft Hysteria that actually took place in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692.

I even love the fact that the tracks are listed on the back of the CD cover in Roman numerals. Eleven tracks in total. 43 minutes in length. Exactly 43 minutes.

I did read in another article/interview that Kimberly Freeman mentioned that the lyrics are based on historic research from what was saved in Salem, as well as her own point of view from each person that was involved in the hysteria.

The first track “Ember” begins with this somber feeling which transports you back into 17th Century Colonial-American period. A preacher’s voice can be heard victimizing its congregation that the Devil is in fact real.

As it builds and continues right into the second track “Prayer” which takes on a tone of its own. A chilling account of the different main characters of the story being told, with their so-called prayers as they suffer from the situation that has befallen them. The screaming and snarling heard vocally gets your blood pumping and it blows your mind to what it had to be like for the children of Salem to have “suffered” what they went through.

(Personally though, I would like to know if they did or did not sample a part of Walt Disney’s “Snow White” for a line or two behind the music. I could be way off.)

“Black In The Rye” brings One-Eyed Doll back to their usual metal sound. The interesting bit would be the theory of the rye being diseased by something called “Ergot” which has the same properties as the drug LSD. They lived off their land, and the theory could be that the crops were suffering this disease and it could give an explanation as to why the children of Salem were going through their fits of insanity and bewitching. An interesting theory indeed. This track is currently being played live on stage during their current tour.

“More Weight” taken from the actual words of one of the many who were executed for witchcraft. Giles Corey however was pressed to death, having stones laid upon his body until his body was crushed by the weight, rather than hanged like the others. Instead of confessing as his accusers were wanting, he insisted more weight of stones be pressed against him until he finally perished.

So far this is my favorite track on the album. As well as bits from “Prayer.” I find the lyrics to “Prayer” incorporating the different point of views to be totally haunted. Again with “Stillness” the lyrical content has successfully either caused tears to come forth or send shivers up my spine and literally cause me to fall to the floor… of which I am certain that if the 17th Century Puritan ministers would have seen it, would have thought that “I” was bewitched.

Other tracks give off this kind of Blues feeling with the prominent instrument being a banjo. Tracks such as “Remember” and “Stillness” show off the refulgent and undeniable talent of the duo. ONEEYEDDOLL_color1_resized

Kimberly Freeman’s vocals are spot on and both nostalgic and memorable. Captivating, strong, and very lethal in a sense to be able to tell the story of the entire album track by track. Knowing that “Junior” is basically the band’s “Jack of All Trades” when it comes to musical abilities. He includes his majestic music playing many instruments on the album.

The idea of having a concept album works! With each track like its own chapter of the story, you’re transported away with pleasing music and astonishing story telling by Kimberly Freeman. You spend all of those 43 minutes immersed in your own mind wondering what it would have been like to have been alive during all of the events that took place.

I personally believe that this album will be raising awareness to the story told. A story that is sadly and unfortunately no longer told in schools today, but was in fact discussed during my school days as a youth. Once a person listens to this album, it will cause Internet searches to rise in numbers so that they could earn more information of what honestly happened.

The album is a definite must have. I would score it an actual 103 out of 100, due to the chills and scares it gave me while listening to it sincerely the first time. The tears, the shivers, and the wondering.

Plus, there is no other feeling like getting chills up and down your spine when you listen to music, getting goosebumps, and having the strongest desire to weep while you’re in the bread aisle of the local grocery store.

So whether you are interested in the history of the Salem Witch Trials or just a fan of good music, then don’t hesitate and buy the album. It can be purchased by Standby Records.

You simply cannot pass this album by.


“Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.”~ Plato

Wow, a week almost blew by without my final thoughts. I must be busy or something.

Thankfully, I did not spend as much money as I thought I would this year. Definitely not as much as LAST year. Good grief!!! However the swag and merchandise was nearly plentiful as the year before.

As with other SXSW Festivals in the past, there’s always that factor of learning and discovering new music.

Last year was the discovery of FEAR CONTROL and Nancy Silva Project. This year was no different.

Sadly, this year there was no performance by Nancy Silva Project, due to a family emergency. My heart and prayers still go out to them as they are dealing with a difficult situation.

I got a reprisal performance by BLACK FERATU as well. The boys from Lafayette, Louisiana came back and thrashed the stage and even brought up some new material to share with the rest of the world.

Of course BEAUTIFUL DISTURBANCE is no longer together. Brenda and Auggie are out in Los Angeles doing their own thing, and was not at SXSW Festival this year. Neither was there the presence of Poc Nation.

What the hell is going on people? j-and-the-nines-960x470

Nonetheless, there was plenty of music to be had. Rock, Blues, Punk, Metal…… it was all there.

The one band that has my attention, but still I sit on the fence is called “J and the 9s” which is a punk rock band from Brooklyn, New York.

I got to see them play twice during the week. I’ve talked to J, and actually had a couple of things personally in common. jandthe9s

Whether or not that’s good enough for me to start following this band remains to be seen. Their sound is fantastic, I just need a little more to push me off of the fence and join the party.

And because it is SXSW Festival, there were bands from all over the world. I saw and heard bands from Louisiana, North Carolina, New York, and all over Texas.

Another new band was Andromeda Theory. These guys came from El Paso, Texas and was actually making their way through the state until they reached the eastern side before heading back home. SXSW Festival had to have been one intentional stop on their way through traveling the state.

I honestly did not know what to think of them at first, until they started playing. Andromeda Theory was a band that I had eased into and before I knew it, I moved forward towards the edge of the stage and fired away with my camera taking all sorts of photographs. All of this while in the rain!!! page-photo-227567

Not even inclement weather can stop that which is enjoyable!

With each song that they played, it got better and better and better to my listening pleasure.

So I am anticipating their return back to the area again…. and again and again and again.

And so at last but definitely not least, we had a long, long period of time in which good and wholesome heavy metal music was totally absent from the stages.

Band after band after band after band … there was no heavy metal act. avenuerage

The past couple of years, metal was in plentiful supply. Why 2015?…………. WHY?????

Avenue Rage was the savior of the day.

A band from Waco, Texas actually. I was told about them through the company of Fresh Baked Tees.

Their set started out with an air raid siren. And I hoped that this was not going to be a lousy friggin’ gimmick.

I was wrong. And then I was way wrong!!!

Lead singer Russell Feight turned on some major metal heat and then ignited the fuse.

This is a band that does not mess around. Their music is serious as it is hard and fast. It was just what the doctor had ordered.

And then there was the day of unintentional rest. A day that I had decided not to go because of the rain. A mistake I still regret almost a week later. I had been under the impression and the tricky cover of darkness that the rainfall was pretty heavy and it would not be comfortable to be sitting in it all night. Giving the threat of illness to arise. So I bailed, but returned the final day and stayed the entire day until One-Eyed Doll ended it all with a massive BANG!!!!!


“If I go to a concert or sporting event I usually go in a VIP entrance. And leave the same way.”~ Fran Drescher

The after show meet and greets ran a bit too long with fans. The hour was getting late and “Junior” had to steal away Kimberly Freeman from the fans so that she could prepare for the VIP Party. Change clothes, get comfortable, etc.

The VIP Access on this tour has been limited to only ten people in each city during the tour.

I thought that for sure it would be sold out before I even had an opportunity to save up the money for it. But I would be proven wrong and then very wrong about it.

Weeks before the tour even began, One-Eyed Doll was holding this contest giveaway on their Facebook page. Take a photograph of yourself with your show ticket and win a chance to get a FREE t-shirt.

Well, there was a problem with that. Amusing and curious as it was. Heart of Texas Rockfest … is FREE!! There are no tickets.

So when I inquired, Junior said to show your VIP pass instead of your ticket. So I jumped on board, bought one, and waited. The thing damn near came too late as the contest would be over when the tour started. I took a photograph of me with the VIP pass. And that was about it.

Good one, Junior! You got me there!! Come back over here, I wanna show you this stick I found.

I digress, and I kid.

Kimberly Freeman sat on the back of the stage behind where all the action happened. She then turned around and leaned over the edge, telling me that she was going to crowd surf over to me. And she did.

She’s become very comfortable with me. And I am glad of that.

Also, she has maintained her quirky sense of humor. It is great.

I mentioned again that I was impressed that she remembered my name. I also mentioned that I had been a fan of One-Eyed Doll for only the past nine months, and this was my second show and second VIP in six months. I then rhetorically asked her “Where’s my One-Eyed Doll baby? It should be born by now.”

Kimberly mentioned that it was born in the shape of Mexican food and it had since umm… passed. I then leaned down and kissed her on the general waist and stomach area, as if a father was kissing his unborn child in the womb. And then I was reminded of the lyrics to their song “Brief Candle”

War story, thing of the past
Innocence was not made to last
All that remains of him 
Is a child inside of me 

Did I bring this up though jokingly? No……. what an idiot. I had an opening and didn’t take it.

Freeman took it all in stride even without the humorous reference to the “Brief Candle” song. I figured I’d be clobbered for giving her general lower belly area a smooch. Yet again, proven wrong was I.

However we kept getting chased all over the place. The VIP was not going to leave the parking lot in which Heart of Texas Rockfest was held all week. But we kept going from one side of the parking lot to the other, just trying to get away from usual traffic noises and the pestering sounds of other patrons walking around. witches-1500px-300dpi-cmyk8-e1421741261725

I cannot say exactly what happened next. That’s is just something you are going to have to experience for yourself as One-Eyed Doll tours the rest of the country through May. If you get the VIP pass, you’ll find out for sure on just how it was that I came to be a part of their new and upcoming record. And if you get the VIP pass, you just might be on the new record too.

It reminded me of the time I went to Houston to record some parts for the GATHERED IN DARKNESS album, by Dr. Froth. So that makes two records in just under a year.

Then things were interrupted yet again and it pretty much broke the mood of the gathering. Personally, it irritated the hell out of me. We could have gone on and on for much longer until that last interruption. But what can you do?!??

So then One-Eyed Doll offered to take photographs with the attendees of the VIP in front of an artist mural that was painted on a wall for Heart of Texas Rockfest last year. It was a nice fit.

Then Kimberly asked if I was going to be okay getting home, and I attempted my best to reassure her that I would be more than fine.

I took a photograph with Junior. But when I got home, I realized that Kimberly and another fan totally photobombed the moment. The look on Kimberly’s face and the expression in her eyes however, is totally scary and creepy.

Then I took several photographs with Kimberly.

I said to her “Please have a seat.”

Kimberly then proceeded to gently sit down upon my lap and then grabbed a hold of me with all the tightness and love that she could give. And I held on to her so she didn’t fall on the ground and bust her ass. The last thing you need is a rock star with a busted ass on tour!!!

It was not as late in the hour of the day to return home as it had been the first time, but it was late enough.

After all of that I had been awake for 20 hours, been sitting in my wheelchair unmoved for 18 hours. I was hurting pretty bad.

I left to return home…. reluctantly.


“Kiss me, it’s over. Red River, Red Rover.”~ One-Eyed Doll- ‘Plumes of Death’

SXSW is officially over for 2015. More than a week and a half of celebrities, films, actors/actresses, and some darn good music.

Heart of Texas Rockfest ended with an appearance of One-Eyed Doll.

They currently are on tour, supporting “Witches” their brand new CD. A concept album that released on the 24th of March.

Luckily for us fans attending SXSW, a copy of the album was available for purchase.

One-Eyed Doll’s show was (in my own opinion) the best way to wrap things up for the entire Festival.

Sufficed to say, that things were looking up for me as I was able to obtain a better seating position than I had before back at the Dirty Dog Bar last September at the end of their 2014 Summer Tour. I was not right up against the stage, but I didn’t really have to be. It was quite the improvement on all levels. And it would end up having some perks.

The stage performance from Dharma Kings right before featured the HELL KATZ dancers. Some now I can call friends. But I soon realized that if I didn’t move to the other stage, that my spot in the crowd was going to be less than desire. So I felt bad for abandoning my friends, and yet I moved back over to the empty and waiting stage.

As the show began, I took one final look behind me and realized just how many people were there behind us all. I had never seen that before at Heart of Texas Rockfest.

The crowd let out a roar when Kimberly Freeman began to play the intro music. And sure enough after the introductions, the band played their standby tune “Committed.”

It appeared as if the party had started and the One-Eyed Doll train was blazing away from the station on no particular course of direction. Wherever it would go, it would go.

At the end of the song, Freeman usually jumps off the stage and mingles in with the crowd and resumes to move around and head bang. Since the stage was at least four feet up, I didn’t know if she was going to and if she did, how was she going to get back up?

But she did it. And landed right in front of me.

When she looked up, she saw me. A big smile drew across her face. She raised up her hand in between playing her guitar and caressed the left side of my face and cuddled it for a moment. Then she hit the next guitar chord and then moved beside me and did a back bend to the point where she was practically laying in my lap. Those back bends and how she does it, I’ll never know.

She then would go into the middle of the crowd and come closer to finishing the song. Then she had to get back ON stage. How was she going to manage?

It didn’t matter. She got up there just fine on her own. But before she did, she came back my way and once again acknowledge me. I reached out for her as she half way embraced me. Then she grabbed my One-Eyed Doll VIP pass that was hanging from around my neck, then let it go with an even bigger smile. I blew her a kiss and then she jumped up on stage and finished playing. The kiss was captured by a photojournalist from!! It is posted there. (Go ahead, I’ll wait so you can look it up. All done? Good… let’s keep going.)

The show went on with some classic tunes for those fans who were familiar with the band. Needless to say that it has not been very long for me to have joined this party. I would say about nine months. But the more fabulous thought is that it was my SECOND SHOW in SIX months, and my SECOND VIP.

I just don’t know how many more VIP passes I am going to be able to afford in the future. I may have to let some go, if not all because of financial reasons, not because I don’t want to.

I digress.

Freeman did ask the crowd if there was any one there who was experiencing their first show. I was surprised to see so many hands and fists and horns go up into the air. And that was just in my general location… who knows exactly how many people behind us raised their arms into the air.

Freeman began to address the crowd about their newest album, “Witches.” OED14322

The entire album is based on the Hysteria and Witchcraft Trials of 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts. One-Eyed Doll performed “Black In The Rye” from the new album. They also introduced super very special guest bassist John Moyer from the band Disturbed.

Yes…. THAT band! (Down With The Sickness, Remember, etc. etc. etc. etc. They are currently on hiatus.)

The entire album and its history has a very interesting and intriguing story behind it. Some that explore one particular theory in how the witchcraft mania even began.

Nonetheless, “Black In The Rye” is extremely catchy. It gets into your head like the so-called demons and spirits of the children of 17th Century Salem.

Even more so, that John Moyer was more than happy, happy, happy to join in on the vocals during the chorus.

Moyer and Freeman are perfect together on stage. The energy climbed as Moyer and One-Eyed Doll told their tale. OED1432

Thankfully, John Moyer did stick around for the rest of the show. I grabbed a photograph with him, thinking that it would be my one and only opportunity to do so. He didn’t say much but smiled and I thanked him for the opportunity and complimented him on his performance afterwards.

The rest of the show magically erased away time and space, it seemed. The show ended around midnight and it felt okay, it felt right to end SXSW in this way.

But all truth be told, I was very nervous about the whole VIP situation. I attempted to extract information from as many people as possible to figure out what was the plan for it all.

The first time, involved a bunch of going from one place to another, and I wasn’t able to do that since I was on my own this time without any help. My fears would subside when “Junior” gave me the quick and general idea of what was going to happen.

So I marched on over towards the merchandise table, since that is where Kimberly Freeman led the crowd over to, in similar fashion of the Pied Piper. Smart. I think that’s how all shows are ended. But the crowd does get some actually face time with Freeman to talk, share, laugh, buy merchandise, grab an autograph and even some photographs with Freeman. And Junior if he stood still long enough and you were able to grab his attention.

I had done all of my “One-Eyed Doll” shopping before the show started. I was there as the merch table was being set up.

I bought one t-shirt and then I wanted to get a CD, but couldn’t decide on which. I was asked how many I had already…. and the answer was NONE.

Melinda, the merch girl, was more than happy to help me in that decision process. Melinda worked a great deal for three albums. This is what I ended up with:


Ummm… do you see it??

Yeah. So after all the laughing stopped, I requested Melinda for an autograph. But I had no paper, no book, nothing for her to really sign. She looked at me, puzzled and confused. She gasped nervously when I told her that I wanted her to sign my forehead. There was this collective sound from all of the surrounding fans who heard me voice my request. It was the sound of a collection of mandibles hitting the ground.

When Melinda realized I was serious, she began to shy away. But then she was able to have enough courage to sign along my temple. But in small letters. Complete with smiley face. Suddenly photographs of my head were being taken. It was then discussed about whether or not Freeman would do it. There was mixed opinions. Some said she would, some said they weren’t sure.

So I went in line to wait to get a meet and greet with Kimberly Freeman… just to find out.

I spoke with Kimberly and she called me by name. I didn’t think she’d remember it. She sees so many people while out on tour, why would she remember me of all people? But she does and she said she could never forget me. Naturally, I would be lying if I didn’t say that brought on a good feeling.

Kimberly noticed Melinda’s autograph on my head and then I presented to Kimberly the challenge.

The response I got was “We’ll see about that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” and Kimberly grabbed my head, tilted it back a little, rubbed my forehead, and began to do her tattoo work on my skin. Having no clue what she was writing. She could have written anything from “I’m retarded.” to “One-Eyed Doll rules!” OED1433

I got extremely lucky. But again, the supporting fans who were around were laughing nervously while standing there in shock to what Freeman was doing.

I heard so many people commenting about how it was never going to come off, and that I would have to stay this way for the rest of my life.

But it was ink. Albeit, permanent marker. I knew that I would live with it for a while. But not the rest of my life. Ink on skin doesn’t work that way.

After that, “Junior” grabbed an even larger permanent marker as I requested for him to “pile on” to whatever I had going on. I saw him grab that really thick marker and I thought that I was going to be in a world of shit.

More photographs were taken. And you know what, it doesn’t matter what was on my face. It is the fact that I was standing right there next to Kimberly Freeman of One-Eyed Doll…. on purpose. And she was standing next to me.

Although I wanted to make a public apology to Kimberly Freeman for almost having her cry. I took too long in setting up a punch line to something funny.

I was talking about all the different activities that I will never be able to do in life: run a marathon, jogging, and even stage dive.

But I realized that if I go down a very, very, very steep hill… by the time I reach the bottom, I would have gained enough speed that when I crash at the bottom of the hill… my body will eject from the wheelchair and I will go flying ………. just like a stage dive.

So Kimberly, I’m sorry I nearly had you in tears. X’s and O’s..

I got out of the way of some other people who were waiting, even though I had more to express to her. I figured that I would have time to speak to her more during the VIP party.

Hoping that the VIP would worth the price that I actually paid for… being that the first VIP access was given to me by someone who had an extra pass.

But I do have my very own autographed, kissed, and bitten (all by personal request) copy of the new album. I’ve been listening to it as I have been writing this blog post. And there’s been plenty of times it has given me a serious case of goosebumps and the urge to cry my eyes out.. knowing the history from which the concept is coming from. I may do a review for it in a future post. So stick around.


“Goodness is about character – integrity, honesty, kindness, generosity, moral courage, and the like. More than anything else, it is about how we treat other people.”~ Dennis Prager

So I decided to wait until all of the SXSW Festival was finished. It ended last night, being with One-Eyed Doll headlining the last and final concert for Heart of Texas Rockfest 2015. Other venues ending the music with their concerts all over the entire city.

But for me, it ended somewhere between 2:30 and 3:00 AM.

Days before though, was the beginning experience for me under the “official flag” for the music portion of the festival.

FEAR CONTROL played an evening show on one of the big stages of HoTRockfest. After hearing some good tunes, seeing some pretty people, and running into the odd and freaky, FEAR CONTROL was that constant that I was able to safely fall back upon to know that what was coming was good.

The band right now is in the middle of recording, and for the most part their short time on stage was mostly of newer material. Their latest two songs that they have finished in the studio was played back to back live. And I could hear people behind me losing their minds.

After hearing simple rock and roll, jazzy rock, and even some folk rock, that particular crowd on that Wednesday night was actually willing, ready, and able to hear some good ole heavy metal. fc12

The energy was high and rocking, explosive octane as a pit got started EARLY!!

It was the release that many SXSW music fans were looking for all day long. What I am saying is that FEAR CONTROL took the night and became king of the hill for Wednesday the 18th.

As for myself, and many others who actually made the decision to get there early and check out other bands… they would not go away unfulfilled.

I was really impressed with the fact that FEAR CONTROL was really able to duplicate their sound from the Saturday before to that setting. So you know that the band is for real. Every ounce of it that comes pouring from their blood, sweat, and tears.

This is why I’ve gone to see them play live as much as I could in the past year. Keep in mind that SXSW is where I found FEAR CONTROL. And now its been more than a year, and I’ve been to so many live shows and concerts that its hard to keep count.

Find them in the Blogroll. And enjoy having your face melted in one clean drop.


“Today, the technology is there to give early and normally ample warning when a powerful tornado approaches. When a tornado strikes, all of us are at risk.”~ Spencer Bachus

Before I continue on with more music show posts that I have seen over the past weekend, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on something in American history. An event that fits into one of my hobbies/interests.

90 years ago on this day, the Tri-State Tornado struck and blazed a trail across three states, killing almost 700 people and injuring thousands more.

If you were to look at any “tornado ranking” or “tornado list” this tornado will always be at the top spot.

Thankfully we have not had such a severe and serious outbreak such as what happened in 1925. A time when there were virtually no weather warnings. No sirens. No television or radio announcements.

A number of cities and towns were literally destroyed and wiped off the map. According to multiple reports, the storm didn’t even look like a tornado. Just a dark black cloud.  trnao

I cannot imagine how the survivors of this event had felt when the destructive winds blasted through and was on the ground for more than three hours in total.

With the technology that we have today, we do not have to worry about having such a high casualty rate, we can be better warned and if people would be better prepared and actually listen to the weather reports, it would save lives.

Tornadoes in the United States of America will always be a thing. But we do not have to be a number or a tragic event.


“One of my favorite traditions is that my sisters and I, we all wear the same pajamas. I’ve even still got some from when I was 6. Also, I’ll always remember cooking together in the kitchen and that no matter how busy our schedules are, we are all together for Christmas.”~ Bailee Madison

I think that I got supremely lucky to have the opportunity to have two out of ten bands in my pocket performing all on the same stage.

But I did have to wait several hours in between the two performances.

Although during my wait I was able to get me some merchandise. The count has already begun. Some free, some paid for. But that’s for another post after this craziness is all over.

The excitement level went through the roof as I was about to see CASKET OF CASSANDRA on stage again. To be able to watch them play and then kind of look over the crowd for their reaction is always fun.

I would find that this was no usual performance from them. Band members were jumping on stage and doing their sound check …. in their pajamas.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, over??

Some of them had super hero themes, others did not. But it was all bedtime sleepwear. coc2

The only thing that I could think about was that it was similar to Slipknot with their track suits. But each member of CASKET OF CASSANDRA had their own thing going on. Individuality doth rocketh!!

The thing with CASKET OF CASSANDRA is that there’s this strange, personal attraction to the band’s music that both entertains and scares the shit out of me. And there is no even balance between the two. Either I am totally floored with impression or I wanna run out of the building and go to my happy place.

How they do that, I will probably never know!!

CASKET OF CASSANDRA is constantly evolving, constantly growing, and continues to be impressive.

It is always great to be sitting right up against the stage when they are playing. To be able to hear Amanda Maddera’s vocals as it pours from her mouth even before it reaches the microphone is a cool experience. To be that close to…. well … uncertain death (so to speak) can give quite the thrill. Or scare.

Amanda Maddera

Amanda Maddera

But I am not mocking them in the least. All of them are supremely talented. Its just that the band as whole with their music, lyrics, and stage presence can be quite intimidating.

To this day, Maddera is blowing minds that she has the vocal capability to perform as she does. I heard so many people afterwards totally tripping out about her vocal talents and abilities. I kept thinking to myself “Welcome to the world of the Casket.”

Considering that most of the members came from California and implanted themselves for their career in Texas says a lot about their passion and dedication for their specific craft.

However on this day, it was like watching a brand new band.

The pajamas, the music, the stage presence, the ending… was all new to me.

inches away

inches away

At the very end of their set, they played my favorite song, “Solitaria.”

I also love “Bury You” and “The Kraken’s Reign” so I had three options of favorite songs that they could have played. They played my most favorite of theirs.

And I kept thinking as Maddera got closer and closer and closer, coming off the stage and standing on these very unstable bar tables and just inches from me. I knew something was going to happen. I just hoped that she wasn’t going to crash in the process.

I abandoned my digital camera and attempted in vain to stabilize the tables that Maddera was standing upon.

Then it suddenly dawned on me about what she was about to do.

Maddera shouted to the crowd without her monster vocal tone and then went into a crucifixion pose.  She stepped to her right and one step away from being directly in front of me. And then she dropped while finishing off the song.

An official (or unofficial, whichever) CASKET OF CASSANDRA stage dive. Something I had never personally experience from them. It was pretty bad ass though.

So I don’t know when I will be seeing them again. I hope its soon. I don’t know if they will abandon the pajamas. But I think it worked with great entertainment value. So kudos to CASKET OF CASSANDRA.

Check them out!!


“To fans in a festival setting it’s like a picnic. You want to have a good time with your friends in that crowd. And in the background you hear the band play, ‘Oh, that’s my favorite song!’ everyone is there to enjoy the afternoon and that’s about it.”~ Tom Araya

Oh my… it is that time of year again for SXSW Festival.

More than a week of “celebrities” and musicians of all kinds showcasing their new album or new film or whatever they need to do in order to get their infamy.

Hell, even Grumpy Cat was back this year!! Last year, I got to sit next to the cat and pet it while idiot photo journalists went wild with their cameras once the feline let out a meow. They acted as if they never saw or heard a cat make a noise. But I digress. That was last year. fc2

But before the so-called “official” part of the festival devoted to the music, there’s been an influx of people and bands that have been playing all along Historic Sixth Street for free. No wristbands, no cover. Just an ID to show you are or are not 21+ and you’re in.

Let’s jump into this now. Metal Monsters of Texas. This full day of music featured ten heavy metal bands from Texas. Not all of them were from Austin. But all of them from the state of Texas.

Naturally, I got myself down there because of two reasons: FEAR CONTROL & CASKET OF CASSANDRA. The two biggest bands that made the largest impression on me from SXSW Festival of LAST year. And I’ve been following them ever since.

FEAR CONTROL went on stage first and it worked to the venue’s advantage that their music was heard outside and it drew people inside. I hadn’t seen FEAR CONTROL play since the big birthday weekend I celebrated last January.

The band is currently working out a schedule for them to be in the studio to record. So far as I know, they have finished two tracks. And now they are playing them live on stage. fc1

And they are both awesome!!!

FEAR CONTROL actually never disappoints when performing live on stage. The newer material that they are playing now is catchy in a sense that it grabs you and throws you against the wall a few times before slamming you back down on the ground and into the pit. I think the band is getting harder, heavier, and producing a lot more of an edgy sound. And it is actually thrilling. It definitely sets a tone and a mood. And I think that is what I like about music that I listen to.

Certain bands set certain moods. FEAR CONTROL sets a mood to keep the night alive and well. It is nearly a party atmosphere.

The most surprising was the return of “Off With His Head” to the setlist. With the band jumping into a new recording session, they obviously are going to leave their older stuff behind. But they brought it back and I hadn’t heard it in so long that I don’t remember the last time. They all know its my favorite song of theirs.

Then my new friend, Lisa was standing behind me. She knows too. So as I was enjoying the crap out of it, she was patting me and rubbing my head and just making sure that I knew she was there and she knew. Such friends I have with this band.

FEAR CONTROL plays The Heart of Texas Fest (which is where I found them last year) on Wednesday, the so-called “official day” of music opening to SXSW Festival. You can find it on 7th & Neches Streets. And its free. Come by, say hello, and enjoy some balls-to-the-wall heavy metal music.

And this is the first of MANY blog posts of SXSW Festival 2015 that is soon to be come here. Hang on!!!