Archive for February, 2015


“It kills me when I see some metal band trying to pass themselves off as an ‘alternative band.'” ~ Dimebag Darrell

Just in case you haven’t heard about this through social media by now or just simply haven’t kept in touch with, well, REALITY… here’s a story that many music lovers will hear and then want to grab their torches and blades and go out into the countryside for vigilante justice.

Let me break it down for you:

A post came up on social media and it was full of hatred and homophobic tones against the late guitarist of Pantera, Dimebag Darrell. Some other things were said and done, particularly to Dimebag Darrell’s grave and they took great delight in doing it as well as bragged about it.

Then you add into the mix that ALLEGEDLY a band from Fort Wayne, Indiana by the name of Nuclear Hellfrost in one way or another is responsible for the vandalism. To which, if you go to their Facebook page…. of course nobody is taking responsibility, rather they point the finger at who apparently is their former lead singer.

A quick Internet research has come up with the name of Reece Eber. Plus, fans of Nuclear Hellfrost posted in the comment section the guy’s name and threw his ass way deep under the bus that his breath smells of rubber and tire.

Pantera fans went after Nuclear Hellfrost, and almost rightfully so. Many Pantera and Dimebag fans really aren’t buying the band’s pleas of innocence in this matter and I read that some are calling venues that are on the calendar for Nuclear Hellfrost’s current show schedule and attempting to get them cancelled. Other Pantera fans are finding where Nuclear Hellfrost is going to be and plan to go there…. which I strongly with all of my heart do not condone anyone doing. I realized fans are pissed off, but let’s try to keep a level head about this.

So then what are the facts about what is going on and what has happened:

Someone visited Dimebag Darrell’s grave.
Then someone wrote the homophobic word “FAG” on a piece of paper and laid it on the grave and took a photograph.
After that, it was posted by the name of “crustyplague”
Hell has since then, broken loose by diehard Pantera fans, and Dimebag Darrell fans. And pretty much heavy metal music fans and any fan who with moral compass who knows who Dimebag Darrell, fan or not.

It was discovered that “crustyplague” had something to do with the band Nulcear Hellfrost.
Nuclear Hellfrost denied any involvement and pretty much placed the blame on their “former lead singer”
Former lead singer is discovered to be Reece Eber.
Nuclear Hellfrost is attempting to walk away from the firestorm entirely.

The Tumblr account for “crustyplague” is deleted.

Some believe that this might be a hoax in order to gain Nuclear Hellfrost attention and publicity. Others believe that this is just a joke and a hoax put on by former members of Nuclear Hellfrost. Currently, everyone is pointing the finger at everyone ELSE.

Imagine that!!!

My personal feeling is that the person responsible for this (whether it is a hoax or not) needs to come forward. And if any criminal charges are warranted, those need to be given. But I am not sure how that would be.. it might not be. It could be considered vandalism. And I would think that I would much rather take a vandalism charge than have the mighty music hoards of people coming after to seek retribution and that would more than likely including physical injury due to them being so angry. Besides, in this day and age the person or persons responsible probably would only get a fine and maybe put on probation and told not to come back to Texas or at least the Dallas area. That’s just my guess. We’ll see what happens. Time shall tell.

One thing that will probably happen is that Nuclear Hellfrost will never amount to anything any more. Hypothetically speaking, if this a hoax put on by the band to gain attention…. it definitely backfired. It is time to hang it up. I mean, I’ll give you the publicity you seek through this blog but it won’t be what you truly want and I won’t be speaking of you again in this blog.

If it is not a hoax, beware of the laws of the state of Texas!

So come out, come out, wherever you are. Its time to pay the piper. Give up the fact that you did this whether it was a hoax or not and deal with the consequences that you truly earned.


“I think it’s my adventure, my trip, my journey, and I guess my attitude is, let the chips fall where they may.”~ Leonard Nimoy

Today will be living in infamy for millions and millions of people of this generation. They will remember this day.

Leonard Nimoy, the actor best known for the popular Star Trek series character “Mr. Spock” has passed away today in Bel Air, California at the age of 83.

The Internet was buzzing about his health concerns over the past several days as he was experiencing chest pains. Today the world lost him.

I cannot say personally that I grew up watching the TV series, but since it has been in syndicated re-runs for like, forever… so to speak — I have seen numerous episodes. To which I had taken a liking to Mr. Spock’s character. The simple idea of a being who has no emotions/feelings was fascinating to my boyhood mind. However my elder brother was a super fan of the TV series. He would remember a lot more of it than I would. And I can just imagine how he felt when he heard the news. I sent him a text message, but he already knew.


Maggie Thrett as “Ruth Bonaventure” in Star Trek’s ‘Mudd’s Women’ (1966)

Star Trek would spawn other televisions series and programs. Not to mention the ongoing lists of films. And they are still being made today. However deep down, no matter who you are, how old you are, or what generation of Star Trek you grew up in or with… everyone knows that Leonard Nimoy is, was, and always will be Mr. Spock.

My first real memory of watching the original Star Trek series was my parents purchasing a VHS tape of the Star Trek episode “Mudd’s Women.” At the time this had happened, I was already in advanced stages of recognizing and discovering what a “female” was.

The character of Ruth Bonaventure played by Maggie Thrett. Being that it was a VHS tape, I could rewind certain parts in which she appeared and fast forwarded through the parts of the episode in which she did not appear.

Ahh, the coming of age and pubescence.

It was the only episode of the original series that I bothered paying attention to.


Hello, puberty!

I remember watching “Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan” on what was then “The Movie Channel” which was pretty much just that at the time. They didn’t fool around with breaks or coming attractions. When one film ended, another began.

I will always remember those awkward moments of William Shatner as Captain Kirk in that film, the nasty ear worm, and the death of Mr. Spock due to radiation poisoning. I wondered how it could have killed a Vulcan? A human being, yeah sure.. but a Vulcan? Oh well.

Spock says, “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.” And then Captain Kirk finishes with, “or the one.”

And of course Khan Noonien Singh, played by famed actor Ricardo Montalbán. Khan’s famous and infamous moment of dramatic dialogue when he says, “He tasks me. He tasks me, and I shall have him. I’ll chase him round the Moons of Nibia and round the Antares Maelstrom and round Perdition’s flames before I give him up!”(Did you know that the line was loosely based and loosely quoted from the book Moby Dick ? And a worthy footnote: actress Kirstie Alley was in this film as well, I believe another Vulcan? Someone will have to research that for me. But she’s in it.)

So other than “Mudd’s Women” and Star Trek II… I honestly didn’t know too much about Nimoy’s acting career with the exception of the aforementioned and Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978), but he was notoriously famous for his role as Mr. Spock.

Often times I get tripped up and call him Dr. Spock. Others do too. But it is Mister, not Doctor.

I have seen a TON of emotions in outpouring mode this day! From just about everyone I know on social media and others around me in my generation and the elder generation. Everyone has had a response. Most of them shocked and saddened and frustrated and overall surprised. Many in denial and not wanting to accept the fact that Leonard Nimoy is gone. I’ve personally not seen such a reaction from a collective whole over a celebrity death … since Robin Williams.

People that I would have never thought would have an opinion over Mr. Spock or Star Trek in general showing the most emotional responses.

So we salute this man who obviously has had some kind of impact on all of our lives. Most of us shall say to his memory the famous Spock line of “Live long and prosper.” as we mourn.

Farewell, Leonard Nimoy. Rest thee in peace.


Life is like a box of crayons. Most people are the 8-color boxes, but what you’re really looking for are the 64-color boxes with the sharpeners on the back. I fancy myself to be a 64-color box, though I’ve got a few missing.”~ John Mayer

Well, well, well. Look at what and who we have back here today!!

The winner for the Douchebag Award For November 2012 has surfaced back in the news whether she likes it or not.

After being totally disrespectful and being not so smart with her choices, it appears that karma keeps a track record and has a very good memory and hits harder than anyone else could have ever imagined.

She’s since become a viral sensation that the world over has learned to really dislike. And it appears that our feelings for her have not gone away. Instead what seems to be a resurgence of her viral popularity (or unpopularity as it seems)…. life has not been all too kind since her faux pas at Arlington National Cemetery.

She lost her job. People were screaming in 2012 for that to happen. But since then, she’s not been able to go out in public for over a year, she’s had death threats and rape threats and every kind of threat against her and her life as you could possibly imagine.

She doesn’t even dare to try and date.

Now I personally don’t believe the death and rape threats were/are necessary. However personally, I was satisfied to hear she had lost her 2012 job. But she works now with children with special needs. Autism to be exact. People who are reminded her of vulgar image turn inward to their hatred for her and hope that she stumbles and falls again and again and again.

It appears that she generated plenty of reaction and hatred that she is forever scarred and linked towards disrespect and deemed unfit for this society.

But hey, she’s back. Sort of. I don’t know how she’s been able to survive. I found her Twitter account and apparently she has a YouTube account and does make videos although I did not research it further so I don’t know what kind of videos she does- if any at all.

Her past will definitely haunt her for the rest of her life. And sadly, she does not have many people in her corner for what she had done back in 2012. She must live with it. No matter how difficult.

Lorena Bobbitt

“I’m crazy and I don’t pretend to be anything else.”~ Rihanna

Ever since the “famous incident” that happened in 1993 between John and Lorena Bobbitt, and the mass hysteria that the media infused with it by putting it all over television and print and keeping it there for much longer than it needed to be, I swear the world has gone absolutely insane.

And if I am not mistaken, it was the same year or time that the Amy Fisher affair was broken into the public.

MERCY!! Don’t these people have any lives to live?

We can turn on any television set, power up our own computers and even phones now, and see these idiotic stories come crashing down on us like a tidal wave.

Yet when someone does something brave, noble, or fierce, we never hear about it.

I don’t know how many times in the past 20+ years that some woman lost her stupid mind and bit the penis of a man, if not totally severing it from his body. Those are some strong chompers. Ask Armin Meiwes if you don’t believe me!!!

The Bobbitt Syndrome has begun. And it has spread like wildfire. And it doesn’t even need to. penisbiter

To my own knowledge, you never hear it the other way around. I would love for someone to explain that one to me.


Aren’t women thinking ahead when they do this? Usually this kind of assault is done to a lover or a boyfriend/husband. Don’t you realize that its there for your pleasure at times when you are NOT MAD AT HIM???? Why would you do something like this to your man???

It is ridiculous!

Now that it is bitten off or at least damaged, its not going to work the way you were used to it working. And seriously, you’re now going to have to go through all of this “training” again with your man because you were pissed off and stupid (or drunk and high) and went after his manhood. penisbiter2

Are you proud of yourself now?

But I’m way off the train of thought that I had when I thought to write about this.

This story has become so popularized, its not funny. Yeah, I remember laughing about Bobbitt and his incident, but when the media pumps it through their lines every time it is reported by law enforcement…. the story becomes less and less and less and less interesting or entertaining for lack of a better term.

All in all… this is the latest and greatest if you want to dare read about it.

Have fun, you biters!!


“One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.”~ Bob Marley

After The Tequila Rock Revolution left the stage, I was both sad and yet thrilled to the bone. One half of this was over. But the other half, I knew was going to be just as amazing and entertaining.

Metalachi. Los Vatos Locos were back in town for the first time in six months.  And this was more than likely why the venue was so packed with people that I had to remove my foot rests from the wheelchair to make frickin’ room for my legs before they were crushed against the side of the stage at the knees.

Stage set up took a bit of time, but it was all well worth it. As long as those flashing lights didn’t burn out my eyes like they almost did at The Belmont the last time. Thankfully, there was nothing to worry about it THIS time.

Then their MC came on to the stage and I knew who he was. He had “de chair of luv” with him and he put it away elsewhere on the stage. I laughed to myself, wondering who would be the unlucky/lucky lady to sit in that chair when the time came.

Suddenly the show came alive. Their MC hyped the band so much that the roof nearly caught on fire! If audience screams and yells were flammable… we’d all be goners. Because it stayed loud by way of the reaction of the audience the rest of the night.

I want that MC’s job. I bet I could do that. Warren…. I’m comin’ for ya!

The band got settled on stage and after everything and everyone was set…. the stage exploded. The crowded exploded. Stubb’s BBQ exploded. And there was no pyro necessary! I’ve not seen that since I snuck into a Metallica show back in the 1990’s.

I think though from what I witnessed in the crowd, that Metalachi should re-consider calling this the “Flying Chichis Tour.” To my left there were breasts exposed. To my right there were breasts. Directly behind me even more breasts. Boob Fest 2015.

Metalachi’s set was so much fun. They played their greatest and latest hits. All the way from “Epic” by Faith No More to “Crazy Train” by Ozzy Osbourne and everything in between. Even “Raining Blood” from Slayer.

I had heard that they played “Cemetary Gates” by Pantera for sound check that afternoon. I would have loved to have heard that. But no luck.

Soon enough, El Cucuy was in his rare form again, cracking up the audience with his totally messed up stories about La Llorona and teachers and even child support. Orale!


Metalachi meets Amanda in De Chair of Luv

The inevitable struck. De Chair of Luv.

My one of a kind, awesome, angel-fallen-to-the-earth, absolutely-frickin-gorgeous friend of mine brought with her a friend who had never seen Metalachi play live before and she shouted to lead singer Vega De La Rockha that there was “fresh meat” in the crowd. A first-timer. Metlachi did not hesitate.

They sat her down and ….. well …….. did what they had to do.

Probably the funniest thing was that someone shouted into a microphone “Go to your happy place!” over and over again. I don’t remember if that was El Cucuy or Vega De La Rockha or their MC. But it was pretty funny.

It was all in fun.

The MC returned a little while later and introduced the band members. Of which I recall hasn’t changed. At least not since I saw them play the last time. So the big surprise was not so much the big surprise. But the introductions are funny.

And the show kept going and going and going. It was kind of a surprise for me that the show lasted as long as it did. Not that I dare complain, it is just that the show is so much fun, especially if you know all the songs that they are covering and playing in a mariachi style.

My night was really over the moon when I heard Maximilian Sanchez started the pizzicato of his violin. There was no other song that would begin like that that they would play other than what probably is becoming my most favorite of them, next to “Raining Blood”……. their mariachi version of “Sweet Child O’Mine.” metalachi-stubbs

I frickin’ lost it!! Vega De La Rockha was standing directly in front of me. Heard me. And smiled big.

I didn’t get to hear them play it live at The Belmont. But they played it at Stubb’s. And I am forever grateful. I will say that Metalachi’s version of the song is far better than the original. You can go ahead and disagree with me on that, but that’s what I think, cabrones.

Needless the rest of the night was gravy. Or so I thought. It wasn’t over!

Metalachi is rather kind enough to be the type of band that stays afterwards for photographs, autographs, and general conversation. They meet with their fans still. They aren’t like most “A-List celebs” that perform then disappear. I spoke to each member of the band, with the exception of Nacho Picante, who was swarmed by the ladies every time I looked around. It was funny that when I spoke to Maximilian Sanchez, it was short, sweet, and in Spanish. PERFECT Spanish I might add.

At last I was getting brave enough to just shout at the entire band to gather so I could take a group photograph. And it happened, minus one. There’s ALWAYS minus one!

And then I heard the band tell the one of a kind, awesome, angel-fallen-to-the-earth, absolutely-frickin-gorgeous friend of mine to come sit on my lap and take a photograph with me. She hesitated, but after being badgered a little by the band.. she succumbed. But I showed her that my lap isn’t her enemy but her ally. A photograph was taken and the guys laughed and laughed.

Soon I backed away from Metalachi because I knew that other people were wanting their chance to meet with them. So this ends the tale of Metalachi of the night, but it did not end MY night.

I realized that I hadn’t really spent any time or attention towards members of The Tequila Rock Revolution. I mean, they did come all the way from San Antonio! So I made my way over.

And from that, was absolute fun conversations to the point that I finally looked up after a while and realized …. there was nobody else there but staff, bands, and I.


There I am talking with The Tequila Rock Revolution members, and other members of Metalachi who came in and out after ridding themselves of their stage garb. But I’m not telling. To find myself there in that space and time… kind of gave me a sense and feeling of VIP. Not even the staff members of Stubb’s bothered me to tell me to leave or whatever.

As I was talking with Mariachi Doll, guitarist Stacey Mazuca came by and I suggest that she should sing for me, because I have been so supportive. Before I knew it, they were assuming that I was talking about my birthday that had passed weeks before.

Mariachi Doll and Stacey Mazuca began to sing a Spanish birthday song. And I noticed that both of them were looking right at me. It was difficult to figure out which one to look back at since they were in different spots and not necessarily standing next to each other. They sang this song A Capella and there was harmony and melody. A few lines into it was the icing on the cake for the entire night for me.

Haydn Vitera joined the two girls in singing with his own part of harmony.

Everything in my body and soul began to shiver and tingle. My spine was just shaking and tingling to my brain from the glorious music that was being performed before me in such an angelic and pure form. It wasn’t a quick tune as our “Happy Birthday To You” is. It was a full song. And by the end of it, my body was shaking from within and I had tears in my eyes. And I kept hoping that they never saw that. Even though in writing, I am admitting it.

I wished I knew the name of the song though. It just really touched my heart and soul. That every time I think about it, I get the shivers. And especially that very night when I thought about it, tears would form in my eyes. And I softly would cry to sleep that night.

I know that Mariachi Las Coronelas plays a lot in San Antonio. I just don’t have the transportation to reach them. I’ll have to wait for them to return here again, I guess. I’m still trying to figure out the local transportation to be able to see VITERA. If I can ever fix the problem, I’ll never miss another local show again.

Metalachi, I will always make room for. When I first hear news that they are going to be here… tickets will be bought and the calendar fricking cleared.

Metalachi is heading west now back towards California on tour. They are done burning Texas to the ground and leaving no prisoners. However, on Facebook, they posted that they had a bit of a traffic accident with their trailer somewhere inside the Texas panhandle on the way to their next show in Albuquerque. (Yes, I spelled that right. No, I didn’t look it up first.) The fans are hoping and praying that everything is okay. The band is reporting to be all in good health. Its just their equipment trailer that bit the dust.

If Metalachi is going to be in your area. Or even your state, it would behoove you to get your chichis up and going and getting to the show. It will be worth the money, time, and effort. And you will reap such rewards. JUST GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As for me, I cannot wait for any of these bands to be playing again. I’m feeling the twitch already and its only been a few days ago.



“I feel very proud to be an ambassador of Mexican music. Wherever I go, I will always bring my mariachi. It’s what I grew up with. It’s what I love the most.” Alejandro Fernandez

Finally. After my debut of seeing these bands play the same night and stage together, it was six months before it happened again.

The only difference is that VITERA and Mariachi Las Coronelas came and fused together to make The Tequila Rock Revolution. Combining Mariachi music with pure steady rock and roll.

They were playing at the all famous and infamous Stubb’s BBQ. A venue who has hosted such musical acts such as Blue October, Billy Idol, and They Might Be Giants. It a true Austin landmark. One that many people who are from out of town know about and make any excuse to visit to be able to scratch it off their bucket lists and boast that they’ve been there.

Well, now I have too.

However over the past six months, I’ve learned more about these bands and its members on a personal level through some sort of communication via social media. So I guess it was more personal for me to be there rather than fanatical. People would have known me when I stepped in.

As the time drew closer and closer, I was getting more and more amped up to get there. And then I realized that while I was getting ready that I could not find my camera. I’m notorious for having it. I’ve been told so.

In a small and brief few moments of pure frustration, I tore apart my apartment pretty damned good in order to find it. It’s still in disarray even though I did clear the path to the front door so I can get in and out. OOPS!!!

When the camera was found, I tucked it away and bolted out the door to go wait on the bus. But now bus rides are twenty-five cents more since mid-January. And they’ve become more interesting as I have been starting to “get used to” being terminated and kicked off the bus. Same bus line, same destinations, everything. Different drivers. However, I will leave that for another time and another post if you want to hear all about that.

I cautiously boarded the bus and realized that I was missing a dime when I should have had exact change. Buses only take exact change. I got fortunate that the bus driver had changed for a dollar for me to replace that missing dime. I was in his debt in a sense. Not a good start to a potentially awkward situation if I was going to be kicked off the bus for a third time in a row.

But we took off and we hadn’t gone a mile and a half down the road and the bus driver was cracking me up so hard that I couldn’t stop sweating. Everything out of his mouth was pure comedy fricking gold and his impressions were stellar.

Thankfully he would not be the only stellar thing that happened.

I had a feeling that I didn’t even need to bring along my earphones to keep me occupied and entertained for the long journey. And I was right. The bus driver and I kept going back and forth and back and forth. Probably there were six other people on board at the very max at one given time. It wasn’t crowded or anything and I just kept talking and listening to him.

The next thing I knew, we were passing by the hospital and that was my cue to start paying attention to make sure that I notify the driver exactly where I needed to get off the bus.

The bus driver busted me up again when he said: “Oh I’m sorry that I kept you from your nap. Shit!”

The guy started to like me, and I him. He encouraged me to take the Night Owl bus lines on the trip home, because there was a 50/50 chance I’d be picked up by him again.

I got off the bus and I just hauled ass towards Stubb’s BBQ. And as expected I showed up just a bit too early. Doors weren’t open and there was a huge fricking line waiting to get inside that wrapped all the way up north around the block. I just knew that I was screwed.

It would come to be known later that the show was SOLD OUT.

I totally forgot to take a photograph of the marquis sign outside. It was looking nice.

But I slowly made my way closer to the front door and with reticence approached the line, trying to figure out which end was which. Then some “guy with a clipboard” came roaring outside, wristbands in the other hand. He was checking people in line who already had tickets. Hoping to make things smoother when they opened up the doors to separate those who had tickets purchased in advance versus people looking to buy them at the door.

I flashed my printed off receipt and showed it to the gentleman. He checked it and then asked if I wanted to be upstairs or downstairs. I said that I wanted to be next to the stage and without missing a beat he turned around and told me to follow him and he led me inside of Stubb’s BBQ. I heard the awful and very profane snarls and grunts of discontentment of those left outside standing in line.

I don’t normally do this, but I turned quickly back around and shouted “I’m with the damned band!” And then ran like hell to get inside. I did get away with it. But I probably won’t every time I do it. So it would definitely behoove me to stop while I’m ahead.

I was lead through a path that was twisting and turning at every corner. Then an elevator of old school proportions lowered me to the the lower level and I found myself in the room that was holding all the merchandise tables for both musical acts.

Right away, I was recognized by members of The Tequila Rock Revolution… by name!

I must have made a mark with them or something.

After that, I went and I stood my ground and picked out a spot where I was going to be for the duration of the entire show. By the looks of the line that I totally passed by outside, it was definitely going to be crowded with tons of people and if I moved away like I did during One-Eyed Doll, I knew that I would lose my spot. So I clamped down and refused to budge.. regardless of how many careless people bumped into me or spilled their drinks down my back.

I was then reunited with a person that I met at the first show six months prior. She looked amazing. She had a different friend with her and we kind of stuck together during the show.

Adding VITERA to members of Mariachi Las Coronelas was an stroke of musical excellence. There was an added trumpet player as well. With him and Vanessa Del Fierro aka Mariachi Doll, and Stacey Mazuca from Mariachi Las Coronelas, the entire set was rocking and getting on board the crazy train before the end of the first song.


Haydn Vitera & Vanessa Del Fierro

I heard someone behind me screaming “Hang on for dear life!” and I looked to see what was going on and if I needed to be concerned about it. They were simply talking about the show. The crowd was deafening with its applause. And again, after ONE song.

I often get lost and forget about all of Haydn Vitera’s huge musical talents. I know he plays guitar and he has that magical invention of the electric violin that everyone gasps in awe for. But sitting just about directly before his feet I could hear his voice carry from his mouth as it carried into the microphone. But for me, I didn’t really need the microphone to help hear him. I could hear him clear as day.

Haydn Vitera has the kind of vocal quality and clarity that I would almost kill to have. And I often forget about that. Every time he stepped back up to the microphone, he nailed everything that came out of him.

Dan “DMFC” Corona shredding guitar and a supreme job on bass with Nacio Malo. Everything came together like it was made to be.

Naturally the incredibly beautiful and extreme talents of Stacey Mazuca on guitar and Mariachi Doll on violin. They both helped out one another, playing each other’s songs on stage. Mariachi Doll is currently in the studio. And from what I heard, I’m going to be rushing and running over people who are in my way to go buy the album.

I cannot count how many times that it got so loud and noisy without the crowd even being prompted. Especially during applause at the end of a song.

I honestly hope and believe in these people. I truly want for them to be able to reach out and touch the universe. One person at a time.

From south to north and west to east and back again. Across the oceans and time, The Tequila Rock Revolution is a sound that you have NEVER heard before. I guarantee it. And once you do…. you’ll be left to hear so much, much more.

Can you handle both talent AND beauty?? If you think you can, reach out to find The Tequila Rock Revolution today!!!!!!!!!!!


“My knee is almost back to normal. I am back in training.”~ Shawn Johnson

I’m back. Who missed me? Okay. Now stop lying.

Lots have happened. And I’m pretty serious.

I just celebrated what I feel, is a very important birthday. My age now is divisible by five.

Also, I have reached an age that when I was younger, the doctors told me that I would NEVER see the light of day. That I would NEVER live to be this age. Well, my birthday was on the 30th of January.

Needless to say that I celebrated my butt off!!!

I had several different days in which some kind of celebration happened. I got sick and was not able to celebrate in Houston with SIX MINUTE CENTURY and others. It was horrible.

I attended a bar crawl and celebrated along with at least three others who have birthdays in January. I saw FEAR CONTROL play live for the first time in 2015. And the band gave me a little birthday surprise during their last number that they played on stage.

I also had the opportunity to yet again hang out with Red Vamp as she was back in town. I honestly could not complain about anything. I’m alive and I am loved it appears.

Earlier THIS week, I received a new computer that came from my family. Sadly though after getting everything put together and connected…. it was discovered that speakers are not going to work. There is no sound. The theory being that since this is a refurbished computer, that the device drivers for audio failed to be installed. And sadly this is out of my expertise when it comes to electronics and computers.

I may try Skype again. But once I get audio. Not 100% sure on that.

Our annual pancake breakfast was supposed to be TODAY. On Valentine’s Day of all days. But that was postponed for another time. I’m looking forward to going to that. I do believe that the Bear Queen will be attending once again. I’m actually STOKED for that!!

Honestly speaking though, I have nothing to complain about yet in 2015. I do hope and keep my fingers crossed that it will remain that way for a long, long time.

I’m also starting some brand new projects. Stay tuned to hear about those.

I’m still soaking in the fact that doctors were WRONG! And I’m ALIVE!!!! Doctors can just kiss my ass. Ya know?!??