Archive for July, 2014


“Crazy people don’t sit around wondering if they’re nuts.”~ Jake Gyllenhaal

It is hard when you watch someone that you’ve become to know for so long start to lose their marbles… in the most literal of sense.

Such is the case for the one that I will refer to as Super C.

Super C moved here to this complex around the same time that I did my first time in 2005.

Like many who live(d) here: Quiet, shy, withdrawn, anti-social.

But Super C was actually cared for by a few others and eventually Super C would see the errors of her ways and how life was just slipping away from her by her sitting inside of her dwelling day and night. She was shown the light that her ex-husband was a complete and total douche nozzle and she finally learned how to stand up to him and tell him where to go and the quickest way to do it.

She participated more and more and suddenly found herself with FRIENDS. WOW!! Who would have thought it?!?

However, Super C just like everyone else around here has her own sets of challenges and problems. Medicines and appointments with doctors and things to keep up with in her life.

As of lately the rest of us neighbors are finding that she’s unable to control it all. Either that or she just does not handle it well at all.

How many times has she had to go back somewhere because she left her glasses or wallet or purse or keys or cell phone???

A few years ago she suffered what the doctors called a mini-stroke. But she was back at home within a week. Her best of friends are no longer living. Her attendant has come to end of her rope with Super C. Her children do not visit. Her medicines are often rumored to be scattered everywhere in a pile of atrophying disarray and indecency.

The worst of it is not yet to come. I think that the worst of it has arrived and is living among us within Super C.  It is also safe to say that everyone has made an effort or two or twelve to get her life back on track where its not so much a disaster. As soon as one person fills in with a complete system that is going to be helpful in the end, Super C slips up ONCE and then she’s back where she started. roedhaaret_schmidt_z

I can see the will to help her has left the building. Or property in this case. Its no longer there within anyone.

People are literally afraid to deal with Super C any more. They are afraid that if they get involved too deep that they too will “end up just like her” and as shitty as that is to think or say… it is what it is around here.

Some say that the mini-stroke doomed her. Other people had faith in her that she would recover from her mini-stroke. And even more people seem to think that she might be too far gone because she lost her best friends in the world in the time span of about a year and a half.

It appears as if the simplest of life’s tasks has become monumental for her. As if she was looking at an entire valley of mountains and instantly believing that she will never make it.

Her latest tale is her supposed journey of walking in the pouring rain one morning where she began to tread with a walker 3.7 miles (5.95 km) by herself to return home from an appointment in which she was denied because she had an outstanding balance. And she had gone that far without her wallet.

She’s been called out on it and other alleged activities that she has been telling everyone who would listen to her.

A 70 plus year old woman with a walker isn’t going to walk nearly 4 miles…. in the rain. And then expect us to believe it when she’s not soaking wet, dragging in water with her shoes and her walker and just have a few raindrops on her back. She should have been drenched and dripping. But she was not.

Everyone tends to want to run away from her when they hear her begin a conversation with the words DID I TELL YOU…..??

Plus the fact that you and another person could be holding your own conversation and she’s going to chime in. Just like her friends did before they both died. In this case, it was something she was taught that she never should have been taught. oneofus2

This morning’s episode was all about standing water in the rain water collection barrels. And that just isn’t possible as all of the barrels have screened filters on them. So there’s no standing water anywhere. She was quickly called out and she left the community room rejected and denied.

Calling her out isn’t going to help her state of mind. All it does it automatically say to her that people think she’s lying.

I don’t know though. It is just really really difficult to watch this progression. I am sure there are people out there who know what I am talking about. And probably deal with worse circumstances as they have watched a loved one slip away like this. I do not envy anyone of this.


“What is the good of your speeches? I come to Sarajevo on a visit, and I get bombs thrown at me. It is outrageous.” ~Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria

One this day… ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO, was an event so epic and important that it started a chain of other global events which led to the First World War breaking.

Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria along with his wife Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, were both assassinated in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

This murder is seen as the central, precipitating event to have sparked the war.

Of course there were many involved in the murderous plot. Most of the men tried and convicted were sentenced from three to twenty years in prison for their specific role. Others received life sentences. And still three others were executed by hanging because of their participation. While nine in total were acquitted. archduke1

The victims were shot by nineteen year old Bosnian Serb, Gavrilo Princip.

Shockingly Princip received twenty years in prison but had died in 1918 from tuberculosis.

The assassination led up to Austria-Hungary’s campaign against Serbia. All hell broke loose. Fighting started. Nations and countries took sides, and the war began.

All of that, started 4 years, 3 months and 1 week of the world gone mad it seems. Death, destruction, blurred lines, alliances, armies, and powers that be striking blows at one another.

And still here we are today saying that this began 100 years ago. And it seems so odd and ancient to do so. Archduke-Franz-Ferdinand-of-Austria

These things literally and actually happened on this day a century before. All of it leading to mass casualties between the Allied Powers and Central Powers.

Austria-Hungary and Germany being a part of the Central Powers and nations such as the United States, United Kingdom, and France the Allied Powers.

Interesting side note: Italy and Japan also took participation in World War I, sided along with the United States. Something that they would NOT do during World War II.

Both military and civilian casualties were over 37 million people. 16 million deaths and 20 million wounded which makes World War I rank among the deadliest conflicts ever on Earth. Not to mention that the Spanish Flu was also running wild and was infecting and killing people which also contributes to the numbers of casualties to be higher due to the fact that the outbreak happened during the war.

For some it is still hard to believe that something as “simple” as an assassination of two people in power could lead to so much death, destruction, and the re-writing of world history as we know it. But it did. The “war to end all wars” would not be World War I as they proclaimed. Within a few decades there was World War II. And thankfully, we’ve not had World War III.

But today was the day one hundred years ago where an assassination took place and it changed the face of the world forever. Come December will be hundred years since the Christmas Truce of World War I. And there will be a blog post about it. Stay tuned right here at DAMBREAKER.



Another milestone in this blog’s history came about today.  And I would be lying if I said that I was not proud of this unusual accomplishment.

This morning I noticed that I was close to reaching 140,000 total views. And now I have surpassed that as it goes beyond 140,100 total views.

So I figured that I would break it down awfully fast for those of you who cannot help it but live in a world of numbers.

It is true that I do not have as many followers/subscribers as I had hoped I would have at this point. Nonetheless I am happy to have what I DO have. But I would not have thought that I would reached this amount of total worldwide views so soon.

This blog post will be the 679th post for Dambreaker.

24 posts where someone left a comment. 296 comments total so far and 79 comments are from me personally responding back.

I have 125 total followers/subscribers at this point. bloggest

From the beginning, it has been 3 years, 5 months, and 21 days. Seven days short of saying “Three and a half exact years.” Or 3 years and 6 months. An exact total of 181 weeks.

This blog has been around for 1,267 days and counting.

Its been accessed through any random search engine 109,993 times. The top engines being Google Image searches 58,368 times. Google Search 31,614 times. Yahoo Image Search 10,824 times. And then Twitter 25 times.

People have clicked on the link on my personal Facebook page to read 4,043 times.

There’s only a few countries that the blog has not been accessed within (many countries from Africa):




Central African Republic

South Sudan

Western Sahara




Sierra Leone





I do not know if I ever will get someone from these nations to log on to my blog or not. But it would be really fantastic to say that each and every nation and country on the planet has viewed my blog at least one time. I suppose that I could do some research on these countries and then write about them and tag them and see what happens from there. I am not afraid to tag as I have 2,966 tags in total.

Naturally, since I am from the United States of America, it is the top accessing nation. Followed by United Kingdom, Canada, Hong Kong, Germany, and India.



“Okay, most people at school make fun of meand they… and they… and they never… and they never talk to me, Ernie. They never, ever talk to me.”~ Giovanni Ribisi in ‘The Other Sister’ [1999]

I suppose that in my life of personal trials and tribulations that society will always amaze as well as shock and offend me.

I don’t want to sit here and pretend that there’s some hidden magic pill that nobody has found yet that the entire population of Earth can consume and make things so much easier and nicer. Mainly because that magic pill just doesn’t exist.

But then again there are some things in life that people in general should never EVER have to put up with.

Its been a long time since I’ve posted something about discrimination and believe me when I tell you that I did not think about wanting to or having to ever again. But here we are, and here we go!!

As members of the human race, there are certain ways that I would think would be quite obvious in how to act and how not to act. I’m just simply dumbfounded whenever I am faced with a case of someone missing that memo entirely.

Over the weekend I watched in horror and with much anger and rage of a young woman in a wheelchair that was too large for her in comparison attempting to catch up with a group of people. Her peers. And the thing of it was that she was going up a hill very slowly. STAIRS-WHEELCHAIR-570

None of the members of this peer group bothered to turn around to help her up that hill either. And so I watched until I could take no more.

When I had reached the helpless young woman, I could see that tears had been pouring down her face and her fingers were now damp and moist and having trouble grasping on to the bigger wheels to help her push forward.

I slammed her brakes on for her so that she wouldn’t go sailing backwards and asked if she wanted help even though the look upon her face was screaming for it.

I would soon be horrified and enraged to realize that the tears coming from her frustrated and tired eyes were not because she was having trouble getting up the incline, but rather the words that were being shouted at her from the group of peers ahead of her at the top of the hill. None of which were looking back at her.

The filthy comments followed by a collective laughter came after each and every insult towards her and her disability and her INABILITY to get up what they were calling “a simple and lousy hill.”

The more I heard these people talk, the worst their insults became.

I finally decided to let the girl latch on to the back of MY wheelchair and I pulled her up the hill at our own pace. Not fast, not slow, but our own pace. There was no emergency so there was no need to rush things. Before we both knew it we were at the top of the hill.

Gazing out at the peer group as they began their descent of the other side of the incline, I specifically instructed the girl to go to the right at a certain point and then swing left to come back because the incline was just too steep and if she would have gone down the other side of it straight on, she probably would have gone so fast that she would have ended up in traffic. Her tiny body was no match for the bulky wheelchair and her hands probably would not have been able to handle “breaking” while going downhill.

It didn’t make sense to her at first so I had decided that I was going to SHOW her what I was talking about and told her that she should copy what I was doing.

So I did. I went sailing down the incline swerving right then left and then came to the bottom of the hill and found myself AHEAD of this woman’s peer group.

It was then that another disgusting factor was made known that these people who were hurling insults at her, saying that she was worthless to climb over a hill and needed to be put down and shot, or the fact that her mother should’ve swallowed… these were not kids, but adults.

I’m guessing early 30’s??

Some of them saw me and ignored me. And that was fine. But when she showed up just as fast as I did they started picking on her some more. Crying-Woman-Sitting-In-Wheelchair

I asked the girl who was apparently enjoying her self-induced adrenaline rush how she knew these people. They were “friends at school” but it didn’t sound like very good friends in my opinion.

She said something that triggered a quote that came to my mind that I put at the top of the post. She talked in a soft whisper about how she was only trying to fit in with these people. I told her that she didn’t need them. At least not THIS GROUP of morons.

Sadly this was the only group of people that she knew.

What made things worse was that she barely knew them and had enticed them ALL with the fact that she she was loaded with money- or I should say her family is.

Buying friendship.

I most likely would have cried but the relentless pickings at her expense were continuing to flow.

Everything was beginning to reach a point with me that was showing signs of overflowing.

I threw a rock ahead of the gang to get their attention because they simply had no interest in turning around. In fact I could hear them complaining about how they wished they had a vehicle so that they could get away from her. After all, they used her up for her money to get what they wanted and they were finished with her and just wanted to go on their ways.


This was all too familiar for me as I reflected on my own life. Rage was taking over…. wishing I had smacked one or two of them with the rock I had thrown, but it was only tossed to gain their attention.

I shouted at them to return back to where she was using a forceful tone. Most started to move towards us.

I put them all into a state of eternal shame and butthurt as I gave the following lecture and then I walked away hearing nothing but crippling silence behind me:

“Just what is wrong with you? Do you not realize what you are saying is actually damaging? Yeah, I know you all think that you sound like some bad ass tough guy, coming up with what you are coming up with to say in front of your own kind… but to do it at HER expense? Tell me, how many of you actually know her? I mean REALLY REALLY REALLY know her?? How many have spend many-a-hour over the telephone just chatting the days and nights away with her, or did you all just agree to hanging out with her because she flashed some quick cash in your greedy, selfish, self-centered, non-caring faces? 

YOU are the groups of people that need to be swallowed! YOU are the people that need to be ‘put out of your misery’ with force. YOU are the people that completely and totally worthless. 

But no, you don’t give a flying shit what others think or feel. You just care about take-take-take. All of you are more disgusting than Jabba the Hutt with your idea that its okay to take advantage of someone just because they are living a life that makes them financially well off. I guarantee you that NONE of you have ever thought once about this girl and her feelings or her needs or her wishes or her desires. 

How fucking ridiculous you are to not even offer help to her. Its hot and humid outside today. She’s not able to handle the wheelchair that she is using because her original wheelchair won’t fit anywhere. Just suck up the money she has in her purse, feed yourselves until you are fat and satisfied. Gluttony, really!! And I would dare to guess not even a ‘thank you’ was given to her for her kindness and hospitality. 

This shall soon come back to all of you one of these days. Maybe not today or tomorrow but soon. Trust me. A woman once told her child that I had AIDS because she was wanting to scare her child to get away from me. Five years later she was hit by a train and now she’s in a wheelchair in worse shape than I am. 

You all though…. you are absolutely no better than her. She may be small. She may be tiny. She may be slow. But you have shown your asses. ALL of you …. are worse than she is, even without a physical disability.” 



It has been a while dear readers. I know, I know.

I haven’t forgotten about this blog or about the fabulous faithful disciples.

I’ve been busy with brand new projects and keeping other things in check.

But I just wanted to show you what I found in the mailbox today.

For some of you who do not know what I am talking about, there’s a link below at the bottom of this post.

I did it because I wanted to be part of the nostalgia. My t-shirt wardrobe (with the help of Dr. Froth and Ferverwear) soon will be expanding. It will be a necessary expenditure for what I have lined up ahead of me.

But no I am not abandoning this blog. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Here’s the brand new t-shirt, and the story that goes with it .



“Retirement at sixty-five is ridiculous. When I was sixty-five I still had pimples.”~George Burns

Well this wasn’t expected but here it is.

I’ve literally been surprised by with the news that Team USA Sledge Hockey’s Taylor Lipsett and team captain Andy Yohe have announced their retirement from the sport.

Over the last four Paralympic Games, Team USA has captured the gold medal three times. Andy Yohe being team captain in 2014 and in 2010. Back to back gold medal victories for Team USA.

It appeared as if Team USA had constructed a dynasty in sledge hockey with so many gold medals won whether at the World Championships or at the Winter Paralympic Games.

Never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would hear about them leaving the sport NOW. Yeah sure, maybe ten or fifteen years, but I never thought it would be now. I am actually stunned right now as I write this.

Via Facebook, both Lipsett and Yohe made their statements on the situation as well as shared with them the online web article announcing their departure from the sport.

Andy Yohe said “Time to pass the torch on to the younger generation of sled hockey players in the US. I know the team is in good hands.”

Taylor Lipsett left a statement saying “Well I suppose it’s time to make it official… I have decided to officially hang up the sled and call it a career. It’s be an amazing 10 year ride, with ups and downs, but fortunately for me I was blessed with more ups than downs, and blessed with amazing teammates, many of which I know will be life long friends. I never dreamed of being able to represent my country when I was growing up until that divine intervention on a Sunday afternoon at the grocery store with Cheryl Lipsett! The last 10 years have been the most amazing years of my life both on and off the ice, but it is time to start a new chapter and focus on my family and my professional career. It will always be an honor to have been so fortunate to wear the red, white, and blue and the USA across my chest for so many years! And to have won a couple world championship gold medals and 2 Paralympic Gold Medals to top it all off! Thank you to USA Hockey, US Paralympics, all of my teammates over the years, my friends and family, and most important my Wife, Antonina Lipsett, who has sacrificed so much over the last 10 years to allow me to pursue my dreams! Thanks so much, and know I will always be cheering on Team USA!”

I never really did get much of a chance to sit down with Taylor Lipsett, since he is only a few hours away. But I have met him a couple of times before. I’ve shook his hand multiple times and spoke briefly but not as much as I would have liked. I had always wanted to sit down with him and talk about what it was like to be on the national team as well as what it took to get there.

I’ve had the opportunity to meet Andy Yohe both on and off the ice in Houston, Texas. I played along side of him as sides were chosen and he was the best influential player there for both Austin and Houston teams. After the one time playing on the ice with him, everyone else who was in a sled was totally inspired. I remember some players attempting to copy his style of play, wanting to be a better player.

Man to man, player to player, I can say to both of them….. Thank you for all that you have done. Thank you for representing this great country. Thank you for inspiring countless people both disabled and AB’s. Thank you for wonderful talents that you have given to the sport.

The sport will not be the same without either of you two on the ice. But we will cherish the memories of those times that you were. The both of you are ice warriors and will be immortalized by the sport that you played in the hearts and minds of colleagues, friends, family, and supporters. We wish both of you the best in your new journey.

Thank you Andy and Taylor.


rockband_specs“You should create a work that is so valuable it might eventually sell at a high price, but you’ve got to concentrate on how you create that artwork.”~ Yayoi Kusama

I’ve recently made the discovery that two very well known bands are coming to town here this weekend.

KISS and Def Leppard are touring together and they WILL be here this coming Saturday.

Now granted that I have no idea what the accessibility issue is going to be like at this venue, I went ahead and checked to see what ticket prices were running. After all this was KISS and Def Leppard. TICKETeating Chart - Orchestra with wheelchair

There were wheelchair accessible seating available at the venue. Some of these seats set aside SPECIFICALLY for it. But well over $112 for tickets!!!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!!!!!!

It is the law to have accessible seating for people with disabilities. That’s just going to be available at any venue you go to. If not, someone’s going to be in big trouble. But this was no different. There were seats. And tickets were flying as high as well over $200 a piece. And I do not know a single soul who would spend that much money on tickets.

I nearly spent $187.50 on a ticket in Boston, Massachusetts but it wouldn’t come to be. To this day, I blame my ex on that. So I have to ask myself if I feel that KISS and Def Leppard are worth $200.

Answer: No.

I’m not going to spend that much money on tickets to see those two particular bands. I am not even willing to spend $112 on “accessible seating” at a venue where I know I am going to be dealing with people who are standing 100% of the time during the entire show from beginning to end, thus causing the chance of me missing out on everything and not seeing anything. ticketscaesars_palace

Yes, some of these places have large screens. But its not the same as watching something happening with your own eyes on stage. I always try to watch the real thing instead of the large screens. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.

But it annoys the crap out of me because I do not think that whomever builds these venues KNOW that the ADA is there for me… so they HAVE to make an exception. But they don’t bother with the quality of their selection. I could be in the far back for all they care, as long as it was a space for a wheelchair… then they obeying the law. They could care less what I see or don’t see.

Even those who do make the exception for the people who are in wheelchairs or have a disability… they rack up the prices just like every other ticket in the section or group or whatever. What makes them think that all disabled people have the same finances?

Hell, if I had the same finances as some this blog probably would have turned into a music blog a very long time ago and it would be nothing but. But the finances are not the same. And I receive far less than people realize or what you would like to think that I get.

I’m tired of feeling abused like this. (But unlike the person in the last blog post, I am not going to sue for ten million dollars.) I’m really burned out at the fact that prices are getting ridiculous for tickets. And to be honest I would really love to know what it is that makes these bands so special that I am paying $125 or more for a ticket!!!!

Get real people. I don’t care who is paying what for whatever. Throwing the disabled community into the fire because of overpriced tickets is ridiculous. And don’t give me that crap about how everything else is expensive.

So screw that, I’m going to see Fear Control play again for the whatever-eth time. I’ve lost count by now.



“Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress; but I repeat myself.”~ Mark Twain

I didn’t know whether or not to put this for April when the idiot was put into the spotlight or when the idiot struck, which I heard about in July. I went for the response and reply. If I am wrong, forgive me. I just was hoping to have a summer free of this award. But we can’t and so here we go.

Andrew Robert Rector is suing ESPN and Major League Baseball for ten million dollars.


WHY? Because he fell asleep during a Yankees baseball game in the fourth inning and cameras caught him in the act. And the commentators had a few words to say about it.

But you see, nobody did anything to him. Even the fan next to him was too busy eating ball park food to have disturbed or bothered Rector. And so what Rector is suing for is vituperative utterances.

Basically in lay men’s terms he is suing for ten million dollars for abusive comments that were made on the air. And then it also goes into comments that were added over the Internet via some sports website because he said that people were making fun of him.

Here’s the video that was promptly posted to YouTube. Some of the comments here even are about the same caliber and others (like myself) think that this lawsuit is stupid and frivolous.

See if you can find anything abusive towards the sleeping man by these sports commentators. The only thing that they did do that was out of the ordinary was continue to talk about him sleeping and how long could he sleep while NOT commentating on the game. But is that an offense towards Rector? Is that reason good enough to sue for millions and millions of dollars??

This man should have realized that by leaving the comfort of his own home and going to a professional baseball game that there was a distinct possibility of his image being put on television, whether intentionally or accidentally (such as passing by in the background or whatever.)

He should have realized that after he woke up that he might have been filmed or caught and captured on camera. If you don’t want these humiliating moments to happen— DO NOT FALL ASLEEP IN PUBLIC. Period.

Yes I know… its humiliating. Its actually happened to me too. I was on the late night news for being asleep as a child at a high school basketball game that my elder brother was playing in. It was the championship game and so there was a camera crew, and I dozed off until the next time the buzzer rang out. But it was too late. It was filmed and then displayed at the next airing of the local news.

Rector suing for ten million dollars is ridiculous. Greedy guy indeed. He’s not suffering anything but comments on YouTube that he would do so much better by ignoring them. Including this blog post. But this blog post serves as a reminder that we all are human and do stupid and ridiculous things. Its just that some of it is actually avoidable… but some members of the human race do it any way. And that’s when I come in to hand them their award.

Congratulations, Andrew Robert Rector.

music-concert-metal-horns-hand-signs-1440x900“If heavy metal bands ruled the world, we’d be a lot better off.”~ Bruce Dickinson

Saw this video on YouTube. I know that it was uploaded a while ago in 2011. But I am still going to address this. Because I laughed my butt off at this and its bound to make metal fans unite against this kind of ignorance and intolerance and juvenile behavior.

I must admit that it appears the person who made this video is probably under the age of twelve. Definitely not a high school student at all.

So I’m not going to just go ghetto on this girl, but I am going to respond. I just have to because of the amount of laughs it brought to me over her OPINION of heavy metal music.

Let me repeat….. this is only her opinion and has no concrete evidence or connection to what she is saying. She does not provide any references to back up what is being said either.

So let’s sit back and watch this brief “heavy metal PSA” together and allow me a few moments of commentary because this video is so bad… TOO much so that it shouldn’t just be let go. Its only 109 seconds long. Less than two full minutes.

Let’s begin.

0:09 – “Heavy metal is evil and bad. It is the music of the devil.” No. Not all of it. There is some types of heavy metal music that harps on the topic of Satanism and the devil. But not ALL of it. 

0:19 – “People who listen to it are evil bad people. All they do is think about death and the devil.” Actually not really. I’m sitting here thinking about different things. What to eat later. How to make it to certain events coming up soon. Girls. Sex. But none of it has anything to do with death OR the devil. So, sorry, you’re totally wrong because not “all they do is” think about death and the devil.

0:24 – “The music is bad too. All it is is fat people screaming and yelling about the devil…” The music being bad is a simple matter of personal opinion. However, I do not know of any one person who sings or who is involved in heavy metal music to be fat. I can think of several kinds of people who are in heavy metal… both local and internationally well known. NONE of them are fat. What’s your definition of fat though? Nobody that I know is overweight. But if the music is bad- that’s a personal opinion. 

0:31 – “Metalheads are ugly too. Real people who like rap and pop are soooooo more awesome than people who like that evil stuff.” First of all, your grammar officially SUCKS. Secondly, you are beginning to show a lot about yourself with this video. You are obviously more interesting in rap and pop music and therefore will not even entertain the idea of branching out and listening to other genres of music, such as heavy metal, because you have it wrapped tightly around your brain that it IS evil. When the majority factor of heavy metal is not evil. I’m going to go ahead and assume right here and now that you were taught this by a religion organization. Perhaps a youth ministry or a church. And they didn’t say anything about your precious pop and rap music, so since your religious leaders said that heavy metal is evil and nothing but the devil….. therefore pop and rap is awesome and heavy metal is not. Again, that is a personal opinion of yours. And what the heck is your problem???? “Metalheads are ugly too.” Have you fallen and struck your head recently? Ugly is within the eye of the beholder, but there are some ugly people in rap and pop as well. Ugly people are everywhere!! Not just in heavy metal. Get a grip, go outside and observe. But what really bothers me at this point is your shitty grammar. You MUST be a young one to not have caught on to your own grammar mistakes. You didn’t go back and proofread a thing!!! 

0:45 – Now you have an audio comparison. I do not understand what’s going on with the heavy metal song that you have selected. I simply do not recognize it. 

0:49 – “If you want REAL music listen to Eminem or Mac Miller. They talk about real life, and are soooooooo hot and talented.” So everything on the planet that is NOT Eminem and/or Mac Miller’s music…. is not music at all? This is what you are implying. Granted you’re still on your kick to diss heavy metal. But in this statement you outdid yourself and pretty much insinuated that ALL MUSIC IS NOT MUSIC, unless it is Eminem and/or Mac Miller. As far as them being “sooooo hot and talented” that again is YOUR opinion. So this video pretty much is one big soapbox of your opinion on music and what YOU think is good and what YOU think is evil. You simply do not know what heavy metal talks about in their lyrics and songs. You’ve made that abundantly clear without having to say a word. How ignorant can you get?? And we’ve still got another minute to go of this heavily opinionated stuff.  “Hot and talented” you say– clearly these are your favorite music artists and they honestly have no business being the exaAnd in addition…… once more, your grammar is horrible!! Why didn’t you fix it when you had a chance?

1:01 – Again is the audio comparison. This is not the heavy metal portion, that was first. Now you have chosen to place Mac Miller’s music to compare to the heavy metal portion that you had before. (I had to look it up to find out who it was first off. You obviously have a thing for Mac Miller’s music because you’ve brought up the fact that Mac Miller’s music is the only thing that is music and nothing else is music.) But still with this portion of the comparison, I cannot understand the words going on here!!! So at 0:24 you said that it was just yelling and screaming. Well this sounds like a bunch of garbled nonsense! What’s the difference if you are screaming and yelling or if you are mumbling and rambling with nonsense? Not to mention that the moment at 1:10 shows someone consuming food, virtually stealing from their job. NICE touch!!!! So stealing is much better than yelling and screaming. Got it.

1:24- “So now that ppl know that metal sucks, everyone should listen to real music, like rap, pop, and techno. Stuff that isn’t yelling or screaming!” Have you heard some of stuff in rap, pop, and techno as of lately???? Some of the time they ARE yelling and screaming. Not all of it…. but there are some examples of it where they are screaming. Plus the lyrics of rap and pop… really? You wanna keep going with this??? And what is this? “ppl”… this isn’t a text message. Learn to spell.

1:32- “They play instruments which take no talent. Real talent is rapping and dancing, not playing guitar, unless your Justin Bieber, he plays guitar so good!!!” Okay you must be REALLY REALLY REALLY young. Yes it takes talent to rap and rap well. Yes it takes a bit of talent to dance. But it also takes “real talent” to play ANY INSTRUMENT!!!! I mean ALL OF THEM!!!!! You dare to champion Justin Bieber against people who have been in the music industry almost twice as long as Bieber has been alive!! Bieber may be very popular and famous.. but he’s still a nobody. He is a shining star that is fading. And damnit already with your grammar!!!!!! You are a really good candidate for being someone grounded from being on the Internet. 

1:39- “Jesus doesn’t like metal. Jesus < 3 ‘s rap and pop.” I sure would really love for you to tell me how you KNOW what Jesus likes and what Jesus loves, as far as music is concerned. Please tell me how you know for a fact that Jesus doesn’t like metal and loves rap and pop????? With a statement like that, I am almost assured that you were TOLD by someone else (probably by the church) that metal is bad, evil, and of the devil. They told you this so that you don’t listen to it. And even though you did not say this in your video, I would not be surprised if they told you that if you listen to heavy metal, you are going to hell. Didn’t they???

So thank you very much for this video. I laughed so hard!! I guess I’m evil. I guess I am the devil too!!! According to your own words printed in this video…. I needed the laugh. I really did. And you also come across to prove my point that stupid people shouldn’t breed.

red-velvet-bundt-cake-andee-photography“All the world is birthday cake, so take a piece, but not too much.”~ George Harrison

The Blog Train rolls. Next stop: A little bit of humor before hitting the town of serious and confusion.

A few weeks ago, I went to the grocery store with many of my neighbors and was rolling around in the bakery.

Side story: If you know me, you know that I LOVE red velvet cake. I go crazy for it.

I even was going to have a red velvet groom’s cake way back when.

So as I was meandering, I saw red velvet cakes on display.

However, they were only bundt cakes. And not the full sized  cakes that I was used to seeing. I WANTED the full sized cake. I didn’t want a bundt cake.

The other thing that I noticed about it was the fact that there was only frosting on the top and nothing on the sides of the cake.

I sat there in awe of the missing frosting. I kept wondering what was going on. And why the heck would I pay almost $8.00 for this freakin’ thing when there’s only cake on the top??

Maybe that’s how bundt cakes work. I don’t know. I just know that I wasn’t happy with being ripped off of that creamy and sugary deliciousness.

As I began to fall into a daze, a bakery employee came up to me and asked if I needed any assistance.

I picked up the cake and asked them to double check the price. And they said that it was the real price.

I snarled to myself. What a robbery!!! And you haven’t even finished with the frosting!!!! redvelvet

I curled up to them nice and close and pointed to the empty center of the cake as is a bundt.

I asked them, “Where is the rest of the cake?” and what happened next was truly amazing.

Yes, I was being sarcastic but I was also being sincere at the same time as I wanted MORE cake.

They were confused. Until I made a nuisance of myself at poking at the cover of the cake at the center, telling them that the center of the cake was missing and the frosting was missing as well. Let me tell you that they were none too happy about the question and they couldn’t believe that I was being that serious about it.

I told them that I just couldn’t see myself paying that much for a cake that had a hole in it, because they baked it that way on purpose.

I was told to leave the bakery section of the grocery store and never to return. They were so upset about my question that they felt it to be a huge waste of time.

I mentioned this fact when it happened on Facebook. All I got was a bunch of perverted queries about baguettes. Shame on you all!!!

I do not think that I am asking for too much. Just put frosting all over the cake. NOT just the top. I don’t care if it is bundt or not. Spread that stuff, baby!!!!! Be a good Samaritan to those who want to purchase your delicious bakery items and give them their worth of money if you are going to insist on being a rapist of wallets and purses and bank accounts.

Give what the customer wants!! Hell, I had time. You probably could have baked a fresh cake and drowned it all in frosting. But no… you got offended.
