Posts Tagged ‘heavy metal’

“An error doesn’t become a mistake until you refuse to correct it.”~ Orlando Aloysius Battista

Another year, another GRAMMYs Award show that I did not watch. Come to find out that if I had, I would have been rather pissed off.

The 60th GRAMMYs Award show happened. I haven’t watched it in I don’t know how long, but they have a pattern in which the show is displayed on television across the world.

Then this happened.

The GRAMMYs have never been kind to the hard rock/heavy metal music community even though the category has existed since 1989. (And do I even have to go off on a tangent about who won that first year? I think not.)

But for a Memoriam, one would think that the GRAMMYs would have their shit together.

I have never been more wrong!!

Again, I’ll say that the hard rock/heavy metal community isn’t very well liked by the GRAMMYs and it shows. But to constantly omit those who are pioneers in their respective fields and genres is a disgrace. More reverence and credence was given to those who passed away in the last year that aren’t so much legends.

This legend was on the program, but not in the FINAL program.

Seriously, how much effort does it take to add one person? This happens all the time with award shows. Why isn’t there some body hired to make sure that everyone is included?

As I said, I don’t watch these idiotic, circle-jerking, self-absorbing television programs. And for good reason. Forgetting a legend is one of them.

Hollywood, step up your game!


“We’re trippin’ them Satan’s balls tonight!”~Dr. Froth

My apologies to my subscribers. I nearly forgot to write on this.

After a six month absence in Houston, I was able to make yet another trip to see SIX MINUTE CENTURY. For the birthday celebration of lead singer, Chuck Williams.

After failing miserably in January, being fooled by what Texas appears to call winter weather …. things just seemed odd. Probably because of the fact that it HAD been six months.

I found myself attempting to make it there on my own. No neighbors could help give me a ride to the bus stop, so I didn’t feel like there was much of a choice.

But that hill that found me, nearly killed me. And there were a ton of people around who were just walking by. Nobody offered to help. I started to get angry, but then again, I could see that uncertain area in between being helpful and being presumptuous about the situation. And then when I got on the bus, we ended up getting into a rather unusual fender bender. A Taurus ran through a red light and clipped the corner of a double decker bus. If this vehicle was playing chicken, then they didn’t realize what they were up against.

All but one passenger was okay. That one passenger elected to get off the bus (by his own power) and seek medical attention. The rest of us apparently wanted to carry on towards Houston. The remainder of the trip was fine though.

Once arriving in the afternoon for a change, I didn’t have to wait very long to get picked up to go to the show. There was a number of people there that I hadn’t seen at a Houston show in probably a year or more. And it was great to see my friends again. Once again, making me feel like I have a new home there if I wanted it.

Dr. Froth however, needed to take a side trip to someone’s home to gather up some music gear. And as he was loading it, I looked down at the driver’s seat and saw a paper sitting there. It was the set list for SIX MINUTE CENTURY.

I tried so very hard not to look at it, but I had already seen a few songs. Songs that I would have already figured that they were going to play at the beginning of the show. But deep down I did wonder whether they were going to play “Zero Hour” or not. With great restraint, I was able to resist.

The opening band was Infidel Rising, from Dallas. I was blown away at their talent. From their amazing drummer all the way up to their lead singer’s vocal abilities. I mean… I was just floored!!!

Their drummer had an amazing style of how he played. And I think that everyone there noticed it.

They proclaimed themselves to be prog metal, but I could see them fitting into all sorts of sub-categories. I really do want to give them another chance to make sure. They return to Houston in June, playing with Masqued. How I would love to go!!! SMC11

SIX MINUTE CENTURY took the stage for what was going to be about two hours in length. Something I had never experienced before. The moment that they began to play, something went far back into the wrinkles of my brain and found the pleasure centers as well as memory factors and just bombed the hell out of it. The hair on my arms stood up and my spine went through one hell of a shiver.

This was the band that I remembered. This was the band that I led the charge for. And I was there for it all.

The crowd as well as the band began a silent countdown in their minds to midnight. And at that point, it would be officially Chuck’s birthday. As he kept saying. “I’m 22. Twice (or again)”

Surprisingly enough, the alcohol did not flow as much as it has in Aprils past.


This was a genius idea!

There were a few chants and shouts and a couple of drinks brought to the stage.

They played both of their April 19th tunes. Also noting that the Oklahoma City bombing was already 20 years ago. Time is certainly flying at a speed that nobody really believed possible!

And the party continued on and on and on.

I was actually anticipating someone to start singing the Birthday Song, but nobody attempted it. It was disappointing, actually.

I sure as hell was not going to sing. Had I started that up, people would have insisted I get on stage. And that just wasn’t going to happen.

But I don’t think that Chuck Williams can complain. Or SIX MINUTE CENTURY for that matter.

Towards the end of their set,  I heard the sounds of the helicopter and I knew exactly what that meant.

Chuck Williams stepped up again to the microphone and dedicated the song “Zero Hour” to me.

The band nailed it. They nailed most of the night. “Zero Hour” however, it was just as perfect as one could get it. From an audience point of view.

After that eargasm, Chuck walked closed to the edge of the stage where I was sitting and I shouted “Love you brother!”

Chuck Williams response was reciprocation as he spoke softly but directly into the microphone.

The show was one of their best successes in years. At least since I had started to arrive at shows in Houston back in 2011.


Rob Lowe (right) joins Chuck Williams and the rest of SIX MINUTE CENTURY

Then the big finish was NOT their usual performance of “Perfect Picture” but rather a cover. And this had Robert Lowe joining them all on stage for double vocals on the microphone.

I had never actually heard nor seen Robert Lowe perform live. I had heard some of his other recorded work with bands such as Candlemass and Solitude Aeturnus. But never thought about hearing him sing live.


SIX MINUTE CENTURY may be returning to Vintage Pub on Independence Day this year. I have my doubts to make that show. But the Dr. Froth Birthday Extravaganza will be the 29th of August. And that’s the one show that comes with a heavy price to pay upon my head if I miss it. Put there by the House of Froth.

Vintage Pub however seemed to turn on its customers when the music was all said and done.

“Last Call” was announced and they just simply changed the genre of music over from rock and roll and heavy metal to hip hop and R&B……. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, over?

A late spring thunderstorm hit with plenty of thunder and the pouring of rain, and Vintage Pub is screaming at everyone to get the hell out.

There was one waitress that I kept staring at the whole night. I never got close during any time. But at the end of the night, she walked right by and got a close up to see who I was dealing with. The “cool idea” of getting a photograph with her was abandoned. Chances are that I will never see her again.

By the time I had left with Dr. Froth, the rain had stopped. A fresh coat of simple wet was applied to everything.

The following morning, I got ready to check out of the hotel and get on with my travel back home. I left a little early to catch something to eat at the Smokehouse place directly next door. I had failed to notice a few signs though.

It was closed. They had moved to another location. And now instead of my plan of just waiting for under an hour for the bus to arrive. I had to kill over two hours.

Then the bus was late. By almost a full hour.  Other passengers who were waiting were talking about some bicycle ride that was happening from Houston to Austin. It was their theory as to why the bus was late.

It wasn’t a theory, it was fact. With road closures and detours, we simply had a late bus.

By then, my arms and hands began to hurt. Probably from bracing myself from the bus impact the day before. My right hand and wrist blew up like a balloon and pain was radiating all the way up to the elbow. Others who were also there to experience that were talking about being sore in general terms.

By the time the bus had reached the destination, it was able to shave off several minutes of being late. Not many though.

I took off again on my own to try and get home. But that bicycle race was right there. I mean literally the next block over.  Delays and cancellations. It took me an hour and a half to find a functioning city bus stop to climb on board in order to get home. I had been in town for well over TWO hours before I even got home.

Bookmarked by misery, the enjoyment of the show was something to behold. Cannot wait to see what August brings. But some changes on my behalf will have to be made.


“Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.”~ Plato

Wow, a week almost blew by without my final thoughts. I must be busy or something.

Thankfully, I did not spend as much money as I thought I would this year. Definitely not as much as LAST year. Good grief!!! However the swag and merchandise was nearly plentiful as the year before.

As with other SXSW Festivals in the past, there’s always that factor of learning and discovering new music.

Last year was the discovery of FEAR CONTROL and Nancy Silva Project. This year was no different.

Sadly, this year there was no performance by Nancy Silva Project, due to a family emergency. My heart and prayers still go out to them as they are dealing with a difficult situation.

I got a reprisal performance by BLACK FERATU as well. The boys from Lafayette, Louisiana came back and thrashed the stage and even brought up some new material to share with the rest of the world.

Of course BEAUTIFUL DISTURBANCE is no longer together. Brenda and Auggie are out in Los Angeles doing their own thing, and was not at SXSW Festival this year. Neither was there the presence of Poc Nation.

What the hell is going on people? j-and-the-nines-960x470

Nonetheless, there was plenty of music to be had. Rock, Blues, Punk, Metal…… it was all there.

The one band that has my attention, but still I sit on the fence is called “J and the 9s” which is a punk rock band from Brooklyn, New York.

I got to see them play twice during the week. I’ve talked to J, and actually had a couple of things personally in common. jandthe9s

Whether or not that’s good enough for me to start following this band remains to be seen. Their sound is fantastic, I just need a little more to push me off of the fence and join the party.

And because it is SXSW Festival, there were bands from all over the world. I saw and heard bands from Louisiana, North Carolina, New York, and all over Texas.

Another new band was Andromeda Theory. These guys came from El Paso, Texas and was actually making their way through the state until they reached the eastern side before heading back home. SXSW Festival had to have been one intentional stop on their way through traveling the state.

I honestly did not know what to think of them at first, until they started playing. Andromeda Theory was a band that I had eased into and before I knew it, I moved forward towards the edge of the stage and fired away with my camera taking all sorts of photographs. All of this while in the rain!!! page-photo-227567

Not even inclement weather can stop that which is enjoyable!

With each song that they played, it got better and better and better to my listening pleasure.

So I am anticipating their return back to the area again…. and again and again and again.

And so at last but definitely not least, we had a long, long period of time in which good and wholesome heavy metal music was totally absent from the stages.

Band after band after band after band … there was no heavy metal act. avenuerage

The past couple of years, metal was in plentiful supply. Why 2015?…………. WHY?????

Avenue Rage was the savior of the day.

A band from Waco, Texas actually. I was told about them through the company of Fresh Baked Tees.

Their set started out with an air raid siren. And I hoped that this was not going to be a lousy friggin’ gimmick.

I was wrong. And then I was way wrong!!!

Lead singer Russell Feight turned on some major metal heat and then ignited the fuse.

This is a band that does not mess around. Their music is serious as it is hard and fast. It was just what the doctor had ordered.

And then there was the day of unintentional rest. A day that I had decided not to go because of the rain. A mistake I still regret almost a week later. I had been under the impression and the tricky cover of darkness that the rainfall was pretty heavy and it would not be comfortable to be sitting in it all night. Giving the threat of illness to arise. So I bailed, but returned the final day and stayed the entire day until One-Eyed Doll ended it all with a massive BANG!!!!!


“Goodness is about character – integrity, honesty, kindness, generosity, moral courage, and the like. More than anything else, it is about how we treat other people.”~ Dennis Prager

So I decided to wait until all of the SXSW Festival was finished. It ended last night, being with One-Eyed Doll headlining the last and final concert for Heart of Texas Rockfest 2015. Other venues ending the music with their concerts all over the entire city.

But for me, it ended somewhere between 2:30 and 3:00 AM.

Days before though, was the beginning experience for me under the “official flag” for the music portion of the festival.

FEAR CONTROL played an evening show on one of the big stages of HoTRockfest. After hearing some good tunes, seeing some pretty people, and running into the odd and freaky, FEAR CONTROL was that constant that I was able to safely fall back upon to know that what was coming was good.

The band right now is in the middle of recording, and for the most part their short time on stage was mostly of newer material. Their latest two songs that they have finished in the studio was played back to back live. And I could hear people behind me losing their minds.

After hearing simple rock and roll, jazzy rock, and even some folk rock, that particular crowd on that Wednesday night was actually willing, ready, and able to hear some good ole heavy metal. fc12

The energy was high and rocking, explosive octane as a pit got started EARLY!!

It was the release that many SXSW music fans were looking for all day long. What I am saying is that FEAR CONTROL took the night and became king of the hill for Wednesday the 18th.

As for myself, and many others who actually made the decision to get there early and check out other bands… they would not go away unfulfilled.

I was really impressed with the fact that FEAR CONTROL was really able to duplicate their sound from the Saturday before to that setting. So you know that the band is for real. Every ounce of it that comes pouring from their blood, sweat, and tears.

This is why I’ve gone to see them play live as much as I could in the past year. Keep in mind that SXSW is where I found FEAR CONTROL. And now its been more than a year, and I’ve been to so many live shows and concerts that its hard to keep count.

Find them in the Blogroll. And enjoy having your face melted in one clean drop.


“To fans in a festival setting it’s like a picnic. You want to have a good time with your friends in that crowd. And in the background you hear the band play, ‘Oh, that’s my favorite song!’ everyone is there to enjoy the afternoon and that’s about it.”~ Tom Araya

Oh my… it is that time of year again for SXSW Festival.

More than a week of “celebrities” and musicians of all kinds showcasing their new album or new film or whatever they need to do in order to get their infamy.

Hell, even Grumpy Cat was back this year!! Last year, I got to sit next to the cat and pet it while idiot photo journalists went wild with their cameras once the feline let out a meow. They acted as if they never saw or heard a cat make a noise. But I digress. That was last year. fc2

But before the so-called “official” part of the festival devoted to the music, there’s been an influx of people and bands that have been playing all along Historic Sixth Street for free. No wristbands, no cover. Just an ID to show you are or are not 21+ and you’re in.

Let’s jump into this now. Metal Monsters of Texas. This full day of music featured ten heavy metal bands from Texas. Not all of them were from Austin. But all of them from the state of Texas.

Naturally, I got myself down there because of two reasons: FEAR CONTROL & CASKET OF CASSANDRA. The two biggest bands that made the largest impression on me from SXSW Festival of LAST year. And I’ve been following them ever since.

FEAR CONTROL went on stage first and it worked to the venue’s advantage that their music was heard outside and it drew people inside. I hadn’t seen FEAR CONTROL play since the big birthday weekend I celebrated last January.

The band is currently working out a schedule for them to be in the studio to record. So far as I know, they have finished two tracks. And now they are playing them live on stage. fc1

And they are both awesome!!!

FEAR CONTROL actually never disappoints when performing live on stage. The newer material that they are playing now is catchy in a sense that it grabs you and throws you against the wall a few times before slamming you back down on the ground and into the pit. I think the band is getting harder, heavier, and producing a lot more of an edgy sound. And it is actually thrilling. It definitely sets a tone and a mood. And I think that is what I like about music that I listen to.

Certain bands set certain moods. FEAR CONTROL sets a mood to keep the night alive and well. It is nearly a party atmosphere.

The most surprising was the return of “Off With His Head” to the setlist. With the band jumping into a new recording session, they obviously are going to leave their older stuff behind. But they brought it back and I hadn’t heard it in so long that I don’t remember the last time. They all know its my favorite song of theirs.

Then my new friend, Lisa was standing behind me. She knows too. So as I was enjoying the crap out of it, she was patting me and rubbing my head and just making sure that I knew she was there and she knew. Such friends I have with this band.

FEAR CONTROL plays The Heart of Texas Fest (which is where I found them last year) on Wednesday, the so-called “official day” of music opening to SXSW Festival. You can find it on 7th & Neches Streets. And its free. Come by, say hello, and enjoy some balls-to-the-wall heavy metal music.

And this is the first of MANY blog posts of SXSW Festival 2015 that is soon to be come here. Hang on!!!



“RESPECT. WALK. Are you talkin’ to me?” – Pantera, “Walk”

Ten years ago. A full decade. And it doesn’t even seem possible.

For those of you who don’t know what I am talking about, it was ten years ago (the 8th of December 2004) where guitarist Darrell “Dimebag” Abbott was playing a show in Columbus, Ohio and was senselessly and violently murdered, along with three other people.

One man who brought down one of the world’s best heavy metal musicians with violence on his mind. And now ten years later, it feels like a blur, like a cloud, and almost an impossibility!

The fairly new band, Damageplan, was playing at Alrosa Villa in Columbus, Ohio. And from the beginning of the show, tragedy struck as Nathan Gale approached and shot Dimebag three times in the head. at nearly point blank range. The third shot killing him instantly.


The weapon similar used by Gale in his murderous rampage.

Gale is alleged to have been a fan of the band Pantera who had disbanded. And he was angry for the break up. It was also alleged that Gale had issues within and that night, he was NOT on his medication. But to that report or theory there is no evidence or proof.

At 10:18 PM, local time, calls came in of “Shots fired” and one officer did respond to the call. He would be the only one that would answer the call and face the gunman.

From the point where he entered, the gunman was facing away while holding a man hostage.


The weapon similar of the one that killed Gale and ended the tragedy in Columbus, Ohio.

The officer came in and saw Gale pull the gun up to the head of the hostage. It was at that time the officer took his own weapon and fired once, pretty much blowing off Gale’s head from behind. He never saw it coming.

One shot and it was over but many other people already laid dead.

The world of heavy metal music would never be the same.

So where was I?

I was living in a bit of self-made misery in what I call either the “House of Shame” or the “House of Pot” whichever you’d like.

At the time, living with a couple of other young adults like myself with their own physical disabilities. I was outside the FOLLOWING morning not knowing the news about anything. Hell, I didn’t even know at that point that Pantera was done. I was anticipating a reunion, and patiently awaiting the news of such when the house telephone rang. dime

I was outside in the morning fresh air, playing a bit of required catch with the family dog in the backyard.

Being that I was the only one at home at the time, I struggled to quickly get back inside of the house. Finally I answered and it was a woman calling for my roommates. A female who sounded like she just had her soul crushed. Full of tears, unable to speak, sniffling and coughing and crying over the phone.

By the time I got the pertinent information out of her, shock ran throughout my entire body. Dimebag Darrell was DEAD. I started shaking with disbelief. My voice was stolen from me and I could not respond back to the woman on the other end of the line when she was asking questions as to the whereabouts of her friends, my roommates.

I’ll never forget the sound of her voice filled with grief and disbelief. It haunts me even ten years later to think of that morning after. dimebagdarrell

In my opinion, Pantera was the band that brought back metal music back away from obscurity and set itself far apart from the grunge movement that was blazing a trail. Pantera was the band that stood up to all of that. But Pantera after twenty-plus years would never return to make that reunion. The band broke apart and then the murder of Dimebag Darrell.

But I know that other people who know what the heck I am talking about also have marked this day in their minds in their own very personal ways. Along with the anniversary death of John Lennon. Same day, many years apart.

Two talented men, brought down. The wasteful shame.

Rest in Peace, Darell Abbott.
Be at rest, John Lennon


“To me, rock music was never meant to be safe. I think there needs to be an element of intrigue, mystery, subversiveness. Your parents should hate it.”~ Trent Reznor

A little change of pace but with the same good music all wrapped up into one charity event that in the end would put smiles on many unfortunate children.

Yep. Its time for Toys For Tots. And what better time than to do it on Saint Nicholas Day….. which is celebrated predominately in Europe and awareness spread throughout Wisconsin.

But as always there is a method to the madness.

Wellborn Road was coming to town and I had not seen them play since March. I could have had a baby by now since the last time I saw them at the Red Eyed Fly, just days before the insanity of the 2014 SXSW Music Festival. And nearly a month since I last had been to Dirty Dog Bar.

But to bring a new toy and get indoors is an awesome act of charity.

When I had reached Sixth Street, I ran over to a different shop to grab batteries for my camera as I did not want to be left stranded taking a ton of photographs and then not being able to finish the night because of dead batteries.

I noticed on the wall some really kick ass “toys” for sale. I picked up a Dr. Who figure and flipped the package over and then swiftly put it away.

Then I found a Godzilla figure and did the same thing. These figures were running almost $30 a piece!!!

My childhood… ruined by inflation and time!

I am sure that some child would absolutely love these toys. But damn. My wallet would have something to say about it in protest.

So I zipped over to the Dirty Dog and turned in the toy that I had purchased into the collection boxes that were set up. I was horrified to find in the mix of action figures, stuffed animals, and Lego boxes, was a sex toy.

I could not believe it.


Who the hell put that in there?

Wait on second thought, I don’t want to know. Oh well. Moving on!!

Then I was swiftly greeted by members of Wellborn Road. I took advantage of the opportunity and took some photographs with the guys. But always missing the drummer. Why is it always the drummer?? Nonetheless, the guys were there. I was there. And it was time to get it going.

First up was just music for one song. I went to the stage area to figure out what was going on. Suddenly I looked up and I saw two strippers dressed as either reindeer or Santa Claus just squirming all over the stage. You would have thought they were earthworms high on crack.

My question is: Who hired the strippers?

Next was INCH OF DARK.

I’ll admit. The first two band I had never heard of. The last two bands I have. But I sat there watching and listening and thought that the lead singer and guitarist looked similar to someone but I just could not put my finger on it. But the most I sat there and listened, the better and better and better it got. So I was impressed. Only today did I find out that they were a local band. Bonus points for me.

Their bass guitarist screaming at the top of his lungs at the crowd to keep them going. He didn’t even need a microphone. I thought that was really impressive as well. To outdo a microphone!


I do not know what the situation or story is behind this band, but it ended up being just two people. A drummer and a guitarist. No vocals whatsoever. Due to conversations I participated in, I didn’t take a lot of time to listen to them unfortunately.

Wellborn Road was next, and I felt a jolt of adrenaline just shoot through my body. I knew that they were going to play my favorite song of all-time “The Mirror” and it was early in the set. How funny though to watch them write up four copies of a set list just moments before getting on stage. That’s rock and roll for you!!! 0phr1

Kicking things off with “New Found Life” from their latest album PAIN HATE REDEMPTION, there were a few people that really started to get warmed up.

There’s always something about Wellborn Road crowds that just make them cut loose.

One fan was front and center and was everywhere. He was moving to the music, headbanging, swinging on things, and overall enjoying himself. All the while attempting to hang on to a beer.

During the middle of the set, he got so into it that another man came up to him and walked him to the side up against the wall and gave him a cup of water.

Lead singer Scott Emanis probably covered every last inch of that stage either walking, marching, or jumping all over it. His stage jumping is definitely a sight worth paying for! I tried so hard to get photographs of him in mid-jump that he was in the air. But my efforts sadly were in vain. Maybe one of these days in the future. Maybe.


Tyler Tracy

A tribute was done in honor of Dimebag Darrell. A medley of Pantera songs were performed and that probably had to be one of the coolest things I had ever personally been an eyewitness to. Very humbling too!

A few moments later was the icing on the cake for the night. At least for me. Tyler Tracy switched guitars and pulled out his custom made American flag guitar. Watching him play that was a big thrill. Considering I had been harassing him on social media to bring it with him the next time that he was in town.

Damned near broke my camera taking so many photographs of him with that guitar. Trying to get as many close up shots and shots from the floor which now I am calling TOE CAM.

Tyler Tracy is a remarkable musician. A fire fighter by trade. And an all-around, all-star bad ass. This is the guy you want in your pocket for sure!!

My first memory of him was that he stuck his guitar behind his head and then played a rocking version of “The Star Spangled Banner.” at the House of Blues in Houston, Texas. And even before that rocking out at Acadia Bar & Grill during R.N.I. Fest some years ago. So I have seen them in Houston, I have seen them in Austin. Hot damn!!!

But to be sincere, the entire band is very down to earth and very humble and proud of their growing audience and fans that they nickname the “Brew Crew.” They know that without them, they wouldn’t be who they are today.

Then Tyler totally took it to another level and allowed me to take a photograph with his American flag guitar. I damned near shit myself when he asked if I wanted to do so.

So yeah, that totally happened. The photograph- not the shit. I am however forever thankful for that opportunity.

And through all of that Scott Emanis was actually ill with a cold. But he got all those screams out and I did ask various members of the crowd if they could tell if he was sick, and they all but one said “No.”

Even Critical Assembly who played after Wellborn Road threw some respect out there stating that they destroyed the place.

I honestly hope that I get to see Wellborn Road play again and again and again and again. As much as I can. Whether I am here or there or wherever. Being the #1 fan in this area and a member of the Brew Crew, I have that flag flying at all times.


“Well, my brother says Hello. So, hooray for speech therapy.”~ Emo Philips

I made it out to Dirty Dog Bar tonight and back in one piece. And even though we are experiencing what seems to be our first freeze of the winter months, which honestly doesn’t happen until the first week of December, I made it out and came back and I was more than happy to have done so.

Another show. But one last hurrah for FEAR CONTROL at least for 2014. And I battled whether or not I was going to go to begin with but lead singer Kash Sarkaria talked me into it, mentioning that it would probably be the last time FEAR CONTROL played live in Austin for the year.

Most recently, my adventures saw me going to the last live performance of CASKET OF CASSANDRA, it made sense to go to FEAR CONTROL. Plus hey, I love FEAR CONTROL!

I think that going back, that I have gone to see FEAR CONTROL play live the most out of any other musical acts in the state of Texas in the year of 2014. I’ll have to go back again and just count, but I know its more than just a couple.

The weather however was very much threatening to be a serious factor which dictated just how late I would be able to stay downtown before having to come home. And yet it came to be that the headlining band, 36 CrazyFists, is actually from Alaska. So if they were going to be out, then certainly Texans could come out to the show.

So I rolled out into the streets to get to the bus stop, not really knowing just how long I would be dealing with the elements first hand. I did dress in layers and was quite warm. I even took a shot of whiskey for good measure, and everyone who reads this knows I don’t really “drink” so… that was that.

To my personal dismay, the southbound bus stop was engulfed in construction. I had to go north just to get turned around and go south so I could head downtown. It took me an extra fifteen and about three miles extra before getting put in the right direction.

My biggest concern was the descending, colder temperatures as I spent the evening with music that I can appreciate and enjoy. Thankfully there was no precipitation expected.

I rolled on inside at the Dirty Dog Bar and had been kicking back for about fifteen before I actually and literally got kicked OUT.

It was 6:15 PM. Doors were posted to be 6:00 PM. And I’m being told I had to go back outside. Back into the cold. Back out into the impending darkness. What the hell, people?!??!?!?

I saw then on the doors that they had printed a time of 6:30 PM for the doors to be open and the show starting promptly at 7:00 PM.

I’m getting really sick and tired of these times getting screwed around. I’m tired of sitting outside- for no good reason- when door times are posted at a certain hour. I do not know who’s fault that is… but if I ever find out, LOOK OUT!!

So then FEAR CONTROL hit the stage as the second scheduled act.

FEAR CONTROL has new material, new songs. And through the sharing of privately marked YouTube videos, I was able to get a taste of the new stuff when others were not able to. I was excited. Their new song, “Masks” rocks to the center of your core. I was thrilled and pumped up to hear it live. 0.1FC4

But I had to get inside first. That didn’t happen until about ten minutes before seven. Absolutely stupid and retarded.. I swear!!!

FEAR CONTROL took over on stage and kicked it into overdrive. I mean, it was expected to happen but you never really know just how far Sarkaria is going to take things.

Guitarist Frankie Rodriguez allowed himself into consumption with the metal gods as he wailed on his instrument.

The band just compliments one another to bring forth the entertainment in heavy metal music as one has never seen before. They do so well with one another on stage.

“Masks” was played live early on. Its in the beginning stage of becoming one of those tunes that sticks with you to the end of time. Much like “Off With His Head” has done with me. I really cannot wait for their second appearance inside the recording studio to hear what these new songs are to be like. Its one thing being played live, its another when its recorded.

One thing that I have come to know about and admire about FEAR CONTROL is that they play with the same level of energy and passion no matter what the size of their audience is. It could be a packed venue or a filled up parking lot or it could be about fifteen people inside the same building and they still come at you hard and strong. 0.1FC3

But going back, “Masks” was an absolute treat for me personally. I cannot wait to hear it more and more and more.

FEAR CONTROL is one of these bands that I stumbled across.

Ever since then, I’ve been stuck and surrendered to their invoking metal powers.

I found myself just lost and not really caring much about the cold and bitter outside world that was just a few feet behind me through the double doors which led to Historic Sixth Street.

Needless to say that I have never been disappointed with FEAR CONTROL. Even when they got snipped at to cut things short and they played a shorter version of “Off With His Head” at the end of their set a few months ago, it still was entertaining and fun for me that I just melted away from the world just for a little while.

What was rather amusing was the impromptu game of “Let’s Fuck With The Time Keeper” as they were told that they had time left for one more song and they fully intended on playing “Off With His Head” but would it be the shortened version or the full on seven minute epic version?

The band blazed through and Kash Sarkaria kept his eyes peeled and what happened can only be described as the “speed metal version” of “Off With His Head” which was performed from beginning to end in its entirety but instead of taking a little more than seven minutes, it took just under five.

The brotherhood of FEAR CONTROL off the stage is through the roof and phenomenal. I dare say: off the chain. It honestly hasn’t taken very long since I first saw them play live at SXSW 2014 to the point where I’ve had the opportunity to know the members of the band personally. It is awesome, awesome stuff. 0.1FC2

“Masks” and “Off With His Head” are going to probably end up being those two great songs that can identify the band as their journey continues. My younger brother and I still believe that they have the sounds of Death Angel and both my brother and I still believe that FEAR CONTROL needs to contact Death Angel to get together and do some work together whether that is a tour or whatever.

If you like Death Angel, you’ll like FEAR CONTROL, hands down. No second guessing.

But as I had feared, the outside weather and temperatures were dropping like it was hot. Er, cold.

So I left, almost ditching their merch girl Sam as I was hanging out with her after the set. I’m not sure if that will prove to be a mistake and if so, if it will be fatal. One moment I am there, the next moment I am out the door without saying much at all in the ways of a farewell. Sam was looking quite fetching!!! That could have spelled DANGER for those who can’t handle it!

Thankfully my journey across downtown led me to the bus stop and I didn’t really have to wait long at all before I boarded the bus heading back up north and got home before 10:00 PM. Nice!

Just a couple of days shy of the very intense event of my highest honor of meeting fetish model, Red Vamp, as she will be in town. I did write about it briefly in a previous blog post. I’m trying not to flood this blog with my nervousness and excitement about it before it even happens.

So chalk up another show for me and FEAR CONTROL. I cannot wait to see what they will bring to the table in 2015!!!!!



“Your Majesty will be joining me here.”~Echo Temple “Witch”

It came. It finally came in the mail! And I’ve wasted no time to put in the CD.

Here we go!

THE FALL (2014)

Tom Calandra-Vocals
Sean Turcott-Guitar
John Wisser- Guitar
Thomas Helton-Bass Guitar
Chris Kotlarz- Drums

The album has been pouring upon my hearing like gold falling upon the fallen kingdoms of history’s past. I’ve noticed that in many songs on the record, there seems to be (at least lyrically) a war or battle theme of times long ago forgotten. The deep hidden secrets of the dark when men went to war for everything, including protecting their own lives from the states of enemy.

The entire record has cleansed my palate with heavy metal music. And its an extensive and nice change for once. It does not take you along the same old journey that metal fans are getting bored with in recent years. Songs like Destination Die, Scarlet Cord, The Fall, and of course Witch brings that element to those who are visually stimulated.

What I mean by that is when I listen to it, I wanna be transported back into those times in which Calandra sings of. To slay the dragon, become ruler of nations, fight devils and demons, and take no mercy.

This is exactly what the album does: Takes No Mercy!!

Hailing from Houston, Texas (of course) if you have been following this blog you know that I have talked about them with great personal pride and affection. Yet I am willing to write this honestly and sincerely as well as be willing and able to get the word out of the band as much as possible.

I honestly hope that ECHO TEMPLE will take this record out on the road. Because it needs to be shared and not ignored. I’ll bring them here for a few nights to play if I have to. There’s no candle that can hold up to the band”s hardcore and brash sound.

My personal reverence towards this band remains intact. By the end of listening to the album for the first time, I had experienced the chills that just make you want to scream and shout and throw the horns in the air… no matter where you are at while listening to the record. And its even brought a couple of tears to my eyes. So if you want to stay away from the junk that is being produced by cookie cutter metal bands, then you need to pick up The Fall by ECHO TEMPLE.



“Happiness consists more in the small conveniences of pleasures that occur every day, than in great pieces of good fortune that happen but seldom to a man in the course of his life.”~ Benjamin Franklin

Hang on tight because some of you are not going to believe this!

This evening, I was very proud to hear that a band that I follow, ECHO TEMPLE, was going to be played on Internet radio, Q102.. An Internet radio station out of Arlington, Texas.

Q102 has something called “Lone Star Metal Mondays” from 9 PM until midnight Texas local time. Central time zones for those of you counting.

So it slipped my mind around 9:29 or so before I turned it on. And I was honored to be chatting via Facebook to guitarists John Wisser and Sean Turcott from the band along with Sean’s beautiful wife, Claudia.

John and I however were complaining mostly about the genre specifics of what kinds of metal the radio station was playing all this time. I know that members of ECHO TEMPLE and other fans were just waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting.

I mentioned to John that I would receive extra bonus stoked points if the DJ played “Witch” that happens to be my #1 favorite song of all time from ECHO TEMPLE.

John  Wisser kind of giggled and shrugged it off. But more and more and more and more of the same growling, snarling, screeching “Cookie Monster” type of vocals kept getting played. 0witch

Knowing that the radio show would go until midnight, I warned John Wisser that I would be most pissed off if the DJ waited and did not play ECHO TEMPLE until 11:53 PM, which in essence would be just enough time to play “Witch” and then be off the air at 12:00 Midnight. I told John Wisser that I was going to punch the DJ in the Bojangles. And again, for those keeping score: I was meaning that I would punch him in the balls.

Then I noticed Epic Death was on the air. And it sounded familiar. Then Helstar, which WAS familiar.

I mentioned to John Wisser that they were playing bands out of Houston in a block. Things suddenly got exciting. But then it broke off to a song from the thrash metal band Exodus.

At long last finally, I noticed the next song about to be played.

I was correct the entire time.

“Witch” was the song that was chosen to be played on air over the Internet.

I looked at my watch and realized the time.

It was incredible because in Texas the time was 10:53 PM.  And in New York City and locations within the Eastern Time Zone, it was (as mentioned hours before) 11:53 PM. In which I was joking that would be the time that they would play the song on the air.300oracle

So even though I was off by one time zone, it still was the right time.

It was very, VERY ironic that I could have been so specific. And that I was right on one example and if you wanted to stretch it, I was dead on with another.

Predicting which song that was going to be played on air and at what time, just off by one time zone.

I AM .. the fucking Oracle!
Just…. not as hot as the one in the film “300” and so forth.

Anyone else wanna take a chance with my new-found ability?????