Posts Tagged ‘death’


“Love conquers all. Let us too surrender to love.” ~ Virgil

I was going to be writing to you today about a rather unusual and phenomenal love story about a man who proposed to his dream girl by very unusual means, but I found this other story in the midst of my research to be better reaching and a lot more compelling. We will return to Rubix Cube Boy at a later date.

This is the brief and heart wrenching love story about Chadil Deffy and Ann Kamsook. A young couple in love from Thailand.

The couple had been together for ten years and from time to time had discussed the topic of marriage, but boyfriend Chadil Deffy denied any idea of the wedding as he had explained that he was focused on his career and had no time for marriage. wedding1

Well, sadly girlfriend Ann Kamsook died in an auto accident. Chadil Deffy was left full of grief and pain.

So in a desperate way to atone for his misgivings and mistake not to marry his love earlier, he did something so unusual that at the time in 2012, it became an international story gone viral.

On the day of Ann’s funeral, Chadil married Ann. wedding2

Chadil stated that because of their busy schedules and his studies, that they had postponed their intention of marriage, but had not set a wedding date.

Ann would die on the third of January.

His decision to do so was met by his grief stricken regret for not marrying her while she was alive. He hoped that by marrying her on the day of her funeral, that all would be forgiven by her.

What do you think about this story?





A police officer is seen in a facility for the disabled, where a knife-wielding man attacked, in Sagamihara

“I don’t think that you can let the storms of life overwhelm you. When you do that, you are no better than the craziness that caused you to be under attack.”~ T. D. Jakes

(It is bad enough that this happened in Japan. But it makes things totally worse for me personally as it happened while reflecting on the death of my mother 29 years ago.)

So you decided to break into a center that was home to many mentally disabled people. You also decided that you would do so in the middle of the night while everyone was sleeping and while you were there, you decided to KILL off every disabled people in the building in the hopes of “getting rid the world of disabled people.”

And now as I write to you, 19 people (nine women, ten men) are dead. And over 20 people seriously hurt because of your actions. Because you think that the world would be better off without people with disabilities.

Let me tell you what you have done instead, at least from MY perspective:

19 people are dead. That’s a given.

You’ve pissed me off. That is also a given. And this is why, in all my haze and fury, I am sitting here writing this to you.

Even though a number of people are dead and others hurt, you have FAILED! There are 48.9 MILLION people in the world that are alive with some form of disability. 24.1 MILLION have severe disabilities. Much like the people you killed. But even though you have done what you did, 50 people versus nearly 50 MILLION?

And guess what? Those figures are disabled people in the United States of America alone. You’re not in the USA. Japan’s disabled population is much larger than you think.

There are ONE BILLION people on this planet with some disability. You are a long freaking ways off from “getting rid of disabled people from this world.”  You maniacal assworm!

Another thing that you have done is shown your absolute ignorance. People such as yourself are what’s wrong with the world today. People like you who think that the world would be a better place without having a certain kind of person around. People like you are the very kind who keep this world from living in love, joy, and peace. People like you are the reason why there is so much “wrong” in this world. Needless to say, YOU SUCK!!!

Now that you’ve turned yourself in, Japan and its citizens will not have to worry about further people being hurt or victimized. The idea that you think you could be arrested and put in jail for just two years for what you have done, then be given a free moment of plastic surgery is beyond laughable.

I hoping that authorities explore you further to find out whether or not YOU are disabled yourself!!! Wouldn’t that be ironic? Also…. if that was to be the truth, that you ARE some how or some way mentally screwed in the head, why didn’t you start your campaign of ethnic cleansing with yourself????

Through the law of the nation, you deserve to receive the punishment by the Japanese to dangle from the chin down. And they should allow someone with a disability to throw that switch. Although I am not the Japanese government. That’s just my own opinion of what should be done with a sack of shit like you!

The only thing that I take delight in, is your incarceration (in the least) knowing that you will do no more harm. And soon, there will be something else in the world happening that will bury your name and your ass into the grounds of obscurity!!

Go to HELL.



susan_kuhnhausen“Legitimate use of violence can only be that which is required in self-defense.”~ Ron Paul

Portland, Oregon, 2006. Michael Kuhnhausen, had set out to have his former wife, Susan, murdered.
He hired someone to be a sort of a hitman. But the hitman wasn’t all that good at his job, I guess you could say.
He entered the home of Susan armed with what seems to be one very basic tool of death. The weapon of choice was a hammer.
But Susan saw him coming. She knew he was there. And even though she was savagely beaten, the “hit” would not come.
Susan Kuhnhausen fought off the man with her bare hands. Striking back with the exact same tool of death that was meant to be used on her. She beat the intruder with the hammer and eventually strangled the hitman until he was dead.
The hitman was linked back to the former spouse and Michael Kuhnhausen was sentenced to ten years in prison for the hiring of someone to murder his ex-wife.
As of 2014, Michael was set to be released from prison. Susan was reported (understandably) to be very nervous.
Lesson: Don’t mess with Susan.


“If people see me having dinner with a beautiful woman, they immediately believe that I’m having a love affair with her. Of course that’s rubbish. I’m not a playboy!”~ George Clooney

I do not believe that at this point I would have to explain who or what Ashley Madison is. Its been in the news for many, many days now worldwide.

But the domino effect of what did happen has begun. And it has turned dark, ugly, and even deadly.

Just recently, there were news reports coming from Toronto, Ontario, Canada about suicides of people who were members of the cheating website.

When I had heard about the hack and the information leak, almost immediately there were articles on the web about how members had committed suicide because of their private lives being turned loose into the public eye.

But at the time, it was false information and satirical articles.

Now it has become true.

The entire situation has officially become unraveled and out of control with the confirmed deaths linked to certain people and their memberships.

What I find sad is that as we go on, we are more than likely bound to come across even more suicides and harmful situations because of this hack and leak of information.

Avid Life Media could be facing many of class-action lawsuits of at least $760 million USD in damages.

And now the owners of the cheating website are offering hundreds of thousands of dollars in “bounty” to catch those people who are responsible for the hack and leak in the first place. fasd

This situation of vengeance, death, suicide, and overall heartache and pain will NOT cease at any time soon. More people will be exposed. Celebrities, athletes, musicians, etc. etc. etc. — it will all come out of the 37 million users within the database that was exposed to the public.

I think that most of us would agree that what this particular website offers, are services that are deplorable and horrible. However, for some people, it is exactly what they are looking for.

At first when the news came out about the hack and leak, there were many people who were cheering and applauding the actions. They would go on to say that the 37 million users deserved what they had coming to them.

But death? Suicide? They “deserved” that???


There’s going to be a lot of hurt people by the time retribution is over. Lives shattered, and already as stated — lives stolen away. There were even jokes made about how it would be financially beneficial to be a divorce lawyer right now.

Yes, I am a very firm believer that there are consequences for our actions. But who are we to say that these people are deserving? All because someone or some people decided that what Ashley Madison was doing was very wrong, that they became judge, jury, and now….. executioner.

I am so afraid to see how many more dominoes are going to fall because of this. How many more lives destroyed. Reputations ruined. Children scarred. And spouses betrayed. It becomes a story of “When trust turns to tryst.”

Hopefully we are able to get over and passed this by the end of 2015 without any more SERIOUS harm to anyone else on the planet.


Jeremiah Clarke c. 1674 – 1 December 1707

“A violent and hopeless passion for a very beautiful lady of a rank superior to his own.” ~ Jeremiah Clarke

So I was not sure if this was going to turn into a series of blog posts or if it was going to be deemed necessary to have its own page or whatever, but #01 was written a year and a half ago. So I don’t know.

Nonetheless, this death may not be odd or unusual. But rather it is on how it became.

Jeremiah Clarke was an English Baroque composer and organist in the late 17th Century. He is best known for his composition work of Trumpet Voluntary – or the Prince of Denmark’s March.

I honestly looked and researched for hours about him, but there’s not a lot of information that I could find.

Then his death caught my attention.

Clarke decided that he was going to commit suicide. But he had not made up his mind on how he was going to do it and what method he was going to use. So he left the ending of his life in the hands of fate by way of flipping a coin. The choices were either to drown or to hang himself.

And here’s where the odd comes in………..

The story goes that the coin that Clarke tossed into the air landed on the ground, got stuck in the mud on its side, thus neither landing on one face of the coin or the other. The coin had failed to give him his fate. So rather instead of taking it as a sign and continuing to live and compose, he shot himself instead.


Do you know of any strange but true stories of death? Let me know in the comments.


“I’m sorry, if you were right, I’d agree with you.”~Robin Williams

At this point in time, I honestly do not have anything that would be considered to be epic or profound or even uplifting.

Upon hearing the news, I immediately went into denial mode. So many celebrities have been “reported” to have been dead when it was all just a hoax.

It being Robin Williams, and it NOT being a hoax? I am not going to lie to you, it tore my shit up from the floor up.

I haven’t been this lost, confused, shocked, and sad since the death announcement of Michael Jackson. And to be honest, knowing that Jackson’s death has already been several years ago is just mind blowing to me.

This was not a celebrity death that I ever thought I would see. Robin Williams in my own eyes was the ultimate king of comedy and had been for all of my life. From the re-runs of Mork & Mindy to the plethora of feature films that he made, spanning a career of various in-depth characters. And he was seemingly flawless every time he stepped in front of that camera.

Now I know that there are plenty of people flooding social media websites and other networks right now with articles announcing the death.

However, just as it was with the death of Whitney Houston, I CHOOSE to wait for a full investigation to be concluded on just exactly what had happened. I am aware of the statement given relating to Williams suffering depression. But yet I remain firm in the choice to wait and see. And it does bother me every time there is a “celebrity” death that people right away know what happened. Why can’t we all just stop, take a deep breath, and just wait for the professionals and experts to do their job??

Still on the other side of this coin, I suspect that what they are saying about this matter is probably going to be the truth. I say let’s wait and see.

Williams caught my attention in “Patch Adams” as well as other films such as “Dead Poets Society” and “Mrs. Doubtfire” of course. The poem that he reads in “Patch Adams” has since then had a remarkable bolt on my life both private and public.

I sincerely send my best wishes to his wife and children and the rest of his family. For those of you who were waiting on the next installment from my SIX MINUTE CENTURY adventure that came to an end this morning… I sincerely apologize.

But this death announcement has put me in no state to write about my most recent journey as you the reader, are deserving of. Please be patient.

God bless Robin Williams and his family at this time. I am totally shattered. We will always love Robin Williams and will miss him greatly.



“…. And just before I lay me down to never wake
I look up and I see you
So with everything I am
Thank you…. ” ~ ‘Thank You‘ by Céline Dion (written by S. Smith)

So many of  my friends and colleagues got together for a little video collaboration in celebration of Céline Dion, their idol’s birthday, which was the 30th of March.

People who collaborated in the video also wish her husband well since he’s dealing with cancer yet again and the news came out around the time everyone was making their part of the video.

It was very thoughtful and I am sure very sincere for many of the people who participated in the activity.

I guess it goes to show that there are some truly devoted fans of certain music idols.

There’s nothing wrong with this video. And there’s nothing wrong with what the people said and done on the video as it was basically get well wishes either in spoken word or on hand made signs. And of course wishing Dion a happy birthday. I mean I know a few of the people on the video. So good for them for doing that. People who are fans from one side of the world to the other and back getting together as a collective group.

But there’s a really BAD problem with the song choice. A deep dark desperate problem with the song “Thank You.”

And that is the lines in the song right before the chorus:

And just before I lay me down to never wake
I look up and I see you
So with everything I am
Thank you

Umm… huh? Really? Nobody caught on to this while making the video. Nobody caught on to this when this album was released. Nobody caught on that the lyrics are talking about DEATH………… and possibly a suicide.

Shaffer Smith wrote the song. I’d love to know what Shaffer Smith was thinking.

“Just before I lay me down TO NEVER WAKE I look up and I see you”

She is never going to open her eyes again… she is going to die! And these poor unsuspecting die-hard fans are saying “Thank You” to Dion while using the song “Thank You” to say thank you.

Really bad juju, people. Probably unintended bad juju. But bad juju is bad juju. ridic-celine-dion-main

But take a look at the video. Its more than just that. There are a lot of kind hearted people with very very sincere messages that they wanted to get out to their idol by way of collaborating on this video. Its just the wrong song that they used. If they left all of the video content the same and chose a different song, it would be just as excellent.


Great message. Horrible song choice.

Still proud of my friends and colleagues though.



“It is time to clean the worms off of our boots and march in the grass.” ~ Dambreaker

I think that this will be the only time that I will bring up this topic. Because you even bad press is good press. No matter what you say about a person.

Fred Phelps, Sr. the ‘leader’ of the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas has died at the age of 84.

They’ve been able to stir up so much hatred against their group by so many people that there has been many comments that I have heard throughout the years. Most of them about how Westboro needs to burn in hell and what not.

No matter what you think about them and the fact that their beginning leader is now dead and gone, this group will NOT be going anywhere any time soon.

The biggest thing is understanding WHY they are so full of hate.

Westboro Baptist Church was alleging that there was a problem of anonymous homosexual activity that was happening inside of Gage Park. And they wanted the city to do something about it to have it remove the group out of the park because the group wanted it to be a safe and better place for families to gather and children to play and they did not want the homosexuals to “ruin” it for children and families.

Well long story short…. WBC did not get what they wanted. Even with Fred Phelps Sr. and his law degree from Washburn University there in Topeka, WBC lost.

Enter: HATE.

And that’s the way it has been with this group since 1991. It seems as if everyone has been falling prey to them because hate begat hate. If people would have ignored them to begin with as they entered their realm of extreme views of pure hatred, they wouldn’t be as powerful as they are today. If nobody would have cared, it wouldn’t be such a hot topic.

Now the leader is dead. And a few people are NOT holding up their ends. What I mean is that there were people who claimed that they would celebrate and party hard once Fred Phelps Sr. was dead. In fact people have been silent. Perhaps these people came to their human senses and realized that it wasn’t such a great idea. 110110_ShirleyPhelps

But do not count out WBC. The old poison is gone. The new poison is now in. The Phelps family will most likely continue on what they’ve been doing for these years without their leader and probably go even stronger and harder to piss off the world in their ways and fashion.

They are still among us. They are still on this Earth. And they have been given no real reason to stop their hatred for everything and anything, just because their leader is dead.

I suspect that WBC will mourn the death of their leader and then continue business as usual.

Its up to us to actually IGNORE these people. Most of us are not able to fight them as many of them have law degrees from Washburn University just like Fred Sr. They know how to protect themselves and hide behind the First Amendment.

So do what you wanna do about the news of the death, hell… many people thought about picketing one of THEIR funerals.

I cannot be sure, but I thought that I had read something about WBC requesting that nobody picket their funerals, which seems like an extremely absurd request considering all the funerals they’ve picketed themselves. But I cannot confirm they’ve said that.

But think about it though:

Is it something we really wanna do? Waste time to picket a man’s funeral??

So be warned.. Westboro Baptist Church is still alive. Still hating. And not going anywhere.


“I just want to say, good night, sweet prince, may flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.”~ Harry Dean Stanton

I have not been asked to do this. I am not being forced to write about this either. I do this because I still have love in my heart.

But I wish to take this time to share with you something that was close enough to become personal.

For those of you who have been reading my blog for the last year or so will probably remember the blog post that I wrote when I had reunited with my beautiful friend that I had not seen since I was a child over breakfast.

She was the one that I called the Bear Queen. She still is, to me. I still respond to her with “yes your highness” and she could be rolling her eyes at me. But that’s who I am and that’s what it is.

She’s still around. I talk with her every once in a while…

For those of you who are unfamiliar, here’s that post:

Reuniting With The Bear Queen

This weekend will come again the annual breakfast but this time I will not be graced with wonderful presence of the Bear Queen. How her absence will be felt and missed.

But fate has other things in mind. Her best friend in the world just recently lost her 16 year old child. And so the Bear Queen has been that pillar of strength and love and compassion for her best friend.

The Bear Queen even has set up her best friend to give her a little help with everything that has been going on. A little help to relieve some of the burden put upon her by this tragic loss. I tend to agree whole-heartedly when I hear people say that parents should not have to bury their children.

And I wanted to share this opportunity to help her friend in her greatest time of need. She is so close to reaching the goal. I would love to see her get there and go beyond. So many people already have contributed their love but this truly is a project that I believe in because it IS so personal to me.

Take the time to look around. To read everything there is to know. And do what you feel is best.

So please consider. I’d much prefer someone helping in this time of need more than anything. Now would be that time, and this would be that way of helping.

And to those who do decide, Dambreaker PERSONALLY gives you thanks in advance.


“I don’t want to ruin it for you, but at the end, Voldemort kills Harry with a fairly vivious atomic wedgie.” ~ Jimmy Kimmel middlefinger

Here we go ladies & gentleman. More tales from the insane and incredible.

Go ahead, read this link:


Don’t you just love the holidays?? Family and mistletoe and death!!

Where’s the love????

So this guy got it handed to him pretty good that more than likely his own underwear got wrapped around his neck and choked him out until he died.

The person who came up with this idea of giving someone a wedgie  should’ve been punched a long time ago.

But to my knowledge, this is the first time that I have heard of someone dying from it.

In April 2006, it was reported in Albany, New York that a teacher was in hot water for giving a 10 year old student a wedgie.

If this story of atomic wedgie death is only satire……. I’d feel so much better. Can you imagine????

What’s the worst story you’ve heard in the past few months that resulted in someone’s death?